So I was a part of the Ravendex telegram from the beginning. I’ll be honest in the begininng it looked like a 50/50 chance of it being a scam. Around December is when I i decided I should pull out of the scam.
I stayed in the telegram group the entire time and just left it. The telegram moderators are so ridiculously hostile towards anyone who tries to share accurate information. Even when you tell people to look into it themselves the moderators jump on you and kick you from the group.
I really feel for all the people who invested in the project and are blind to see that it isn’t real.
Ravendex promised a DEX and there has been zero progress made. They said Q4 of 2022
Ravendex promised NfT staking and they have been “working” on it for 3 months with zero progress.
They even promised an airdrop for investors and they couldn’t even pull that off.
The telegram group is swarming with fake accounts too. It’s sad because people are just blindly following the promises of scammers. The feel of the group chat is almost like a cult. There has to be an easier way of getting projects like these flagged and banned. Otherwise new investors will keep falling prey to these “get rich quick” scams.