Seeking a Meetup Speaker

Hey everyone,

My name is Adam Rusch and I’m one of the organizers of the Champaign (IL) Blockchain Meetup group. We are an autonomous group but loosely associated with the University of Illinois Research Park and Association for Computer Machinery chapter. This is a general crypto interest group that tries to look at different topics each month that members would be interested in. While I have personally been into Cardano for a couple years now we have not yet featured this platform for one of our meetups.

The reason I’m posting is because we feel that this is the proper time to introduce Cardano to our community with the launch of Shelley. I’m hoping to find a good speaker who could join us via Zoom, as our events are forced to be virtual right now due to virus restrictions. Perhaps there would be a developer available or a Stake Pool operator who could share their experiences.

Ideally, I think it would be great to find a couple good candidates to line up someone both for this month and next month (and perhaps beyond). If anyone can recommend a good candidate I would greatly appreciate the help!

@ryanhe might be able to help.

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Hi @NeoCornelius, Glad to hear you are planning to have a Cardano meetup. I’m sure there are developers and skatepool operators from the community who will be interested in sharing their experience with you guys.
Do you have a specific date and time for the meetup?

Hey Ryan,

Typically we meet on Fridays at Noon (Chicago Time). August 21 would be a great date as it would give us enough time to publicize the event.

Hey @NeoCornelius, I’m looping @Umed_SKY into this conversation. Umed is an experienced skatepool operator and he is interested in joining the virtual meetup as a speaker. You guys can get into the details.