Shelley testnet and Cardano roadmap release dates with David Esser - Episode 30

Hello everyone,

Here is the latest episode of The Cardano Effect podcast. This one is a gold mine of information. We had on David Esser, senior product manager at IOHK. We discussed Shelley testnet release, the Cardano roadmap, Goguen, and much more. Timestamps are included.

Thanks for your support,
Philippe and Rick
The Cardano Effect


great work, starting up the episode now!

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Thank you!

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Great episode. David Esser seems like an impressive asset to have as product manager.


Any timeframe in the video where he speaks about Shelley and the Roadmap?

Have you tried looking at the pinned comment on youtube? A simple cmd/ctrl + F should list out all timestamps with Shelley and roadmap.

I couldn’t get that done. Hmmm

Roadmap end of May or begin of June (I forgot)

Shelley testnet start in June in 3 phases:
Phase 1: self nodes, everyone runs it’s own testnet based on a self generated genesis block
Phase 2: network milestone: unified testnet
Phase 3: incentive milestone: testnet ada staking rewards

Shelley mainnet expected at the end of Q4 2019.

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Great post!!!

When us the release date exactly?

Exactly Shawn