Shelley Testnet: Your weekly rollout rollup. Week 22: W/E 22nd November 2019

Week 22: W/E 22nd November 2019

Each week, this is where we’ll share a high-level summary of key achievements and what’s been going on in the program. Remember, for the very latest technical updates you can follow all the commits and pull requests in the community GitHub.

If you are not already part of the conversation, you’ll find a hive of activity over at the stake pool Best Practice Telegram. With over 3,000 members and loads of engaged users, this is a great resource for anyone interested in contributing to the program. Continued thanks to everyone from the community, especially our amazing Ambassadors.

What’s Up

The Rust team has made a lot of improvements on the SDK this week. The Javascript library now provides an API for multi-stakepool delegation certificate and will soon have support for multisig accounts, making it the most complete library for wallets to integrate with the blockchain. By popular demand: we have started working on a C SDK, targeting all your favorite platforms, including Android, iOS and IoT. And for Homebrew users, we also have good news, as there is now a homebrew installer.

Following the balance check snapshot, we are continuing to test and optimise the testnet. We are targeting the end of November to take the actual balance snapshot, which will be used during the Incentivized Testnet phase. We will announce the exact date soon so be sure to follow IOHK’s Twitter or subscribe to email alerts on the official incentivized testnet website. That’s where you’ll also find all the latest wallets as they become available with download links and instructions.


We launched the first version of the Balance Check Daedalus at ~00:00 UTC on Friday, November 15. Over the course of the weekend, the Support team identified 3 issues that some users were facing:

  • People could not start the node - particularly on Windows.
  • The snapshot balance was incorrect in the Balance Check Daedalus
  • Syncing issues

To address these, a hotfix, new release of the Balance Check wallet (version 1.1.0-ITN0) was provided to the community at ~19:00 UTC on Monday, November 18. This release addressed issue #1 and #2. Also on Monday, we enhanced the IOHK network infrastructure that addressed issue #3.

Though the balance mismatch has been resolved for most users, the support team continues to work with a few users who still report the issue and continue to share improvements with every enhancement to the code. If you are currently facing any issues with the Balance Check wallet, we recommend that you download the newest Balance Check wallet by following the instructions here or create a support request via the Support Portal.

New Issues - 777
Resolved Issues - 224
Issue Backlog - 244

A few minor problems also being looked into:

  • Syncing resets the UI State
  • Transaction on testnet failed
  • Installer Integrity Check failed

DevOps Update & Installers

DevOps released a newly written faucet with proper error checking this week. For those of you wishing to use these faucets, you can use the following commands after you’ve connected and configured to the testnet of your choice:

Please note that the faucet for 0.7.0 beta and nightly may run out of funds, if so – please drop a request in the Staking Telegram Group with address, and someone should be able to help you with some funds.

Jormungandr-nix now supports multiple environments. Check out the progress on its GitHub repo.

Documentation & Content
Additional support for the developer community was — The testnet website was updated to reflect the change to version 0.7.0 of the nightly release. We are also busy preparing some content for stake pool operators ahead of the next phase of the roll-out, including a new guide and video.

Community Content

Please note, these community resources are shared in good faith for you to use at your own discretion. You’ll always find ‘official’ documentation and instructions within IOHK & Cardano channels. We’re delighted with the uptick in engagement and activity in our community with the rollout of our Shelley Incentivized Testnet. But inevitably, this has also led to a few unwelcome guests. Please be vigilant and watch out for scammers. Never share your recovery phrase or passwords with others, and be wary of links shared to you by unofficial accounts. For more tips on staying safe, check out this forum post by the Cardano Community Team.

  • From our Cardano Ambassadors, Rick shared a tweet with another Ambassador’s work. Check it out to see OldCryptoGeek’s Codex, a stake pool control interface.
  • The Cryptoviser made a video summarizing the Shelley Testnet and what to expect.
  • Reddit user eVoPDX uploaded a Youtube video on how to install Jormungandr on Linux.
  • Telegram community member, Leo, has shared a work-in-progress dashboard in the form of a static site that helps you monitor your Jormungandr node. The tool is here where you’ll need to set the ip of your node, and the full code can be found here. For more info, join our Shelley Testnet and Staking Telegram group and chat with Leo (username @arguser) directly.

That’s it for now!

The Stakepool Testing team

PS Don’t forget, if you haven’t checked your balance yet, here’s a walkthrough showing how you can check your balance in Daedalus. There is also one available for Yoroi.