Staking is too complex. Add a 1 click robo-advisor

Creating a simple money making machine that anyone/everyone can use would not be a simple task… the world is complex, and so is economics and game theory.
However, I think if you compare the outcomes of someone who doesn’t understand the legacy financial world and just puts $100 in a savings account at their bank, and someone who puts $100 of ada in a Daedalus wallet and stakes it to any pool that is ranked in the top 100… I personally think the ada wallet will be worth more in the future. (not financial advice)

Cardano is a complex and sophisticated system, and while I do kind of agree that it can be improved and made easier to use, it’s not a requirement to understand everything about it just to use it. Once the system is entirely built out and as close to perfect as possible, the opportunity for exponentially increasing the price of ada will have passed. Today it rewards those who understand how the system works, because those who understand it on a deeper level are more likely to invest early as they understand the potential for this to bring value in the future. (just my opinion, and I know there are plenty who think its all a scam and everything is going to zero) Personally I think Cardano has a better foundation to build on, than any other crypto or legacy fiat financial system.

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