The transaction contains inputs that do not exist in the UTxO set

Hi Everyone,

I’ve recently updated to 1.26.2 and my relay node is reporting a bunch of warnings on bad transactions. It still processes the chain, but all these errors come up in between. Here is a sample warning from the log, any one experience the same issue? My block producer node is fine, no errors.

[2021-04-27 18:22:39.43 UTC] fromList [(“tx”,Object (fromList [(“txid”,String “txid: TxId {_unTxId = SafeHash “aee1fd008a8a4890fa0bf4f9a85574f7e9e92b92d82c42ac2750a5c1833266c6”}”)])),(“mempoolSize”,Object (fromList [(“bytes”,Number 962.0),(“numTxs”,Number 3.0)])),(“kind”,String “TraceMempoolRejectedTx”),(“err”,Object (fromList [(“badInputs”,Array [String “2f2f5e19c9512fdc15d591dd9cdd11f384a4d6345cc19ff68f8be5f9873c53f4#0”]),(“consumed”,Object (fromList [(“lovelace”,Number 0.0),(“policies”,Object (fromList ))])),(“error”,String “The transaction contains inputs that do not exist in the UTxO set.”),(“kind”,String “BadInputsUTxO”),(“produced”,Object (fromList [(“lovelace”,Number 1.448632394e9),(“policies”,Object (fromList ))]))]))]


you can follow this issue on github:

but at least you node is fine even with these errors

Perfect, thank you.

@uncleroger I had the same issue on Node running version 1.26.2. Reading the github issue I realized both of my relay & bp node had TraceMempool set to true, setting TraceMempool to false in the mainnet-config.json seems to work. The log is not flooded with that messages anymore and the node is not hanging / cpu load is now lower. In general, such messages are not a bug or a problem.

@laplasz Thanks for the github link!