Hi all,
I’ve recently been having transactions fail on the cardano-node using cardano-cli when both running a script and manually running commands.
When I run my script or run each stage manually it submits a transaction and I get the response “Transaction submitted successfully”. However,after waiting over 30 minutes the transaction still hasn’t executed. I have retried this approximately a dozen times over the last 2 days and the same thing happens meaning I can’t send anything from the address.
I originally thought this was due to the memory being at maximum usage but after updating the cardano-node to v1.33.0 it is using less than 50% of RAM and this error is still occuring. I also thought it was due to our node being out of sync however the tip is correct and any transactions I run on daedelus appear in the utxo’s when I query them on the node.
Is anybody else having this issue or does anybody have a suggestion on how I could resolve this?