Unserstanding staking activity in transaction

Hey, can someone please help me understand what is happening in the following transaction?

the summary does not match the utxo, where can we get the data for staking keys interaction?


The summary by stake address was one of Cardanoscan’s less good ideas in my opinion, but:

The summary does match the UTxOs. The transaction takes a lot of inputs from different addresses that all belong to the same stake. (You can see that they belong to the same stake when looking at the second half of the address minus the last six characters – the last six characters are a checksum for the whole address.)

It then puts 122 675.629222 ADA on an output to an address associated with a different stake. That’s supposedly what is to be sent out by this transaction and which is shown as output to stake1u9z5czwtul7hjakhd8fp5eryztch2eas7q5gflldjvfw4fqdr0pu3 in the summary. And it puts 7 547.11828 ADA on an output to an address that is associated with the same stake (stake1u9x4mmlumrxtfv7xcthvvhk4qgf7tu2jjetv5d74kxtsu4qs4hv68) as all the inputs. So, this is change supposedly going back to the same wallet and therefore ignored in the summary.

The difference between the ADA spent from one stake and received by the other are the transaction fees.

You can see more directly how the stake addresses and all the base addresses relate when looking at the hexadecimal instead of the Bech32 (addr1…, stake1…, …) representation.

The source stake of this transaction is:

For example, the change address where the 7547 ADA went is:

You can see exactly the stake public key hash in the second half of the hexadecimal address.