Hi all,
Here’s an upgrade guide for 1.35.4 for Coincashew users. Credit to @Gaia-Stake-Pool as I copied his last one and just amended it. It’s a straight forward upgrade from 1.35.3, but if you’re upgrading from an earlier version (you shouldn’t be running anything earlier now!), there are a few more steps.
Update Instructions:
Update and restart your instance:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y && sudo reboot
Download latest cardano-node git and checkout latest branch:
cd $HOME/git
git clone https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-node.git cardano-node2
cd cardano-node2/
git fetch --all --recurse-submodules --tags
git checkout tags/1.35.4
Note: make sure you have ghc 8.10.7 and cabal before proceeding.
(There is a newer version of ghc 9.2.2 but it does not work for this version of Cardano Node, so do not upgrade to this version of ghc.)
ghcup upgrade
ghcup install ghc 8.10.7
ghcup set ghc 8.10.7
ghcup install cabal
ghcup set cabal
cabal update
ghc --version
cabal --version
Build the node:
cd $HOME/git/cardano-node2
cabal configure -O0 -w ghc-8.10.7
echo -e "package cardano-crypto-praos\n flags: -external-libsodium-vrf" >> cabal.project.local
cabal build cardano-node cardano-cli
This upgrade takes about 20 minutes.
Check cardano-cli and cardano-node that the build was successful:
$(find $HOME/git/cardano-node2/dist-newstyle/build -type f -name "cardano-cli") version
$(find $HOME/git/cardano-node2/dist-newstyle/build -type f -name "cardano-node") version
If it shows 1.35.4, you can shut down the node and move the binaries to your bin:
sudo systemctl stop cardano-node
sudo cp $(find $HOME/git/cardano-node2/dist-newstyle/build -type f -name "cardano-cli") /usr/local/bin/cardano-cli
sudo cp $(find $HOME/git/cardano-node2/dist-newstyle/build -type f -name "cardano-node") /usr/local/bin/cardano-node
Check that successful version upgrades then start back up Cardano node:
cardano-node version
cardano-cli version
sudo systemctl start cardano-node
Clean up:
cd $HOME/git/
rm -rf cardano-node-old
mv cardano-node cardano-node-old
mv cardano-node2 cardano-node
Monitor the progress by either using gliveview or journalctl:
journalctl --unit=cardano-node --follow