Upgrade to 10.1.4 for Coincashew users

Hi all,

Here’s another upgrade guide for 10.1.4 for Coincashew users.

The is the Plumin hardfork version. Now is the time to ugprade, and you need to be using version 10.1.4 now, 10.1.3 had an issue with it.

As always, test first, then deploy.

Update your instance:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

Download latest cardano-node git and checkout latest branch:

cd $HOME/git
git clone https://github.com/IntersectMBO/cardano-node.git cardano-node2
cd cardano-node2/
git fetch --all --recurse-submodules --tags
git checkout tags/10.1.4

Then upgrade ghcup and do a cabal update.

ghcup upgrade
ghcup install ghc 8.10.7
ghcup set ghc 8.10.7
ghcup install cabal
ghcup set cabal
cabal update
ghc --version
cabal --version

Note: make sure you have ghc 8.10.7 and cabal before proceeding.

Build the node:

cd $HOME/git/cardano-node2
cabal configure -O0 -w ghc-8.10.7
cabal build cardano-node cardano-cli

As a note, if you are on Ubuntu 22.04, you mayneed to add a constraint to your cabal.project.local file to force it to use the right HsOpenSSL, i.e. constraints: HsOpenSSL == I haven’t had to do this on my recent builds on 22.04, so let me know if you do and what might be different.

Something like this

cd $HOME/git/cardano-node2
cabal configure -O0 -w ghc-8.10.7
echo "constraints: HsOpenSSL ==" >> cabal.project.local
cabal build cardano-node cardano-cli

Check cardano-cli and cardano-node that the build was successful:

$(./scripts/bin-path.sh cardano-node) version
$(./scripts/bin-path.sh cardano-cli) version

The cardano-node version should be 10.1.4 and cardano-cli is (it may build, but mine didn’t for some reason).

Stop your node

sudo systemctl stop cardano-node

Then copy over the new executables

sudo cp -p "$(./scripts/bin-path.sh cardano-node)" /usr/local/bin/cardano-node
sudo cp -p "$(./scripts/bin-path.sh cardano-cli)" /usr/local/bin/cardano-cli

Again, check that successful version is reported:

cardano-node version
cardano-cli version

Then start your node.

sudo systemctl start cardano-node

Monitor the progress by either using gliveview or journalctl, and check if there’s any errors starting:

journalctl --unit=cardano-node --follow

Warning - this requires a full replay from version 9.x, so make sure you have many hours free for your relays or BP to work through it.

Then a quick clean up:

cd $HOME/git/
rm -rf cardano-node-old
mv cardano-node cardano-node-old
mv cardano-node2 cardano-node

Whats your rev for Cardano-Cli and Cardano-node ?


where is this script bin-path.sh coming from? I am using guild operator, but I am having trouble getting the correct CLI rev.

The bins also go in .local/bin in the home folder

The scripts are part of the repo. They added them in a while back.

I found it, I got it working now.

Worked on Ubuntu 24.04

cp -p “$(./scripts/bin-path.sh cardano-node)” ~/.local/bin/
cp -p “$(./scripts/bin-path.sh cardano-cli)” ~/.local/bin/


My rev is different than yours though.

Will try again.

Copied from wrong folder


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