Voter outcome influence

:star2: The amount of influence a voter has on the outcome of the processes and areas involved in disbursement can sit anywhere along a range of possibilities! -

:thinking: The key design decision is where is it most important that voters have very high influence and where can that influence be reduced or delegated to make it easier to scale the disbursement process?

:gear: Network parameter changes is an example of a high influence decision where the community will be responsible for deciding an exact outcome.

:bulb: Adding some feedback and preferences about an idea is an example of a lower influence situation where the voter is giving a light suggestion that contributors can consider and respond to.

:raised_hands: Scaling a disbursement process to a global audience means identifying the areas that are of highest importance for voters to fully influence the outcome and making the participation in those decisions as simple and effective as possible.


For Catalyst to scale it needs to determine what is actually most important for voters to participate in and have full influence over and what is not. Expecting the voters to have the responsibility of every decision is both not required and also not practical. The key is to take each of those potential responsibilities and outcomes and determine which of those are more important than the others for the wider community to influence and which are not critical. In the example covered above for instance the selection of ideas have a high influence from the priorities being selected by the community and the contributors they are selecting - so selecting ideas is not as critical as selecting quality contributors and also better enabling the community to express their priority preferences.

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