We have a Problem with "Hash mismatch from when fetching metadata from..."

Maybe anybody can help us, thanks for help! Our Test Pool need be finish :wink:

Hashes Do Not Match

Registered Metadata Hash:


Calculated Metadata Hash:


SMASH Errors (3 days):

    "utcTime": "1647093921.124834s",
    "poolId": "05f0a1c226b251cec747b3a18fb5ab6db59f56c510300d075d7e6e26",
    "retryCount": 1,
    "cause": "Hash mismatch from when fetching metadata from https://trustworty.000webhostapp.com. Expected 4409d0d4fc228db390c9b5232ba123d614ea7d4dca44da8c00e911459a48cd19 but got c79f83c7a090dd880ed6475ec2b8baeadb825f1a45c07564a960ff73d70730b2.",
    "poolHash": "4409d0d4fc228db390c9b5232ba123d614ea7d4dca44da8c00e911459a48cd19",
    "time": "12.03.2022. 14:05:21"
    "utcTime": "1647092738.161623s",
    "poolId": "05f0a1c226b251cec747b3a18fb5ab6db59f56c510300d075d7e6e26",
    "retryCount": 0,
    "cause": "Hash mismatch from when fetching metadata from https://trustworty.000webhostapp.com. Expected 4409d0d4fc228db390c9b5232ba123d614ea7d4dca44da8c00e911459a48cd19 but got c79f83c7a090dd880ed6475ec2b8baeadb825f1a45c07564a960ff73d70730b2.",
    "poolHash": "4409d0d4fc228db390c9b5232ba123d614ea7d4dca44da8c00e911459a48cd19",
    "time": "12.03.2022. 13:45:38"

You need to re-register your pool’s certificate with the right hash. It will take effect on the next epoch.

Check out your pool at: https://pool.vet/

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have you re-registered your pool after changing the metadata on your Site/gist?

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Hi, is it normal that i have my stake pool to re-registered or What is the problem?

Where are the Calculated Metadata Hash from and which one i have to use for my stake pool?



i checked.

wget https://trustworty.000webhostapp.com./

--2022-03-19 16:59:44--  https://trustworty.000webhostapp.com./
Resolving trustworty.000webhostapp.com. (trustworty.000webhostapp.com.)..., 2a02:4780:dead:e275::1
Connecting to trustworty.000webhostapp.com. (trustworty.000webhostapp.com.)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/html]
Saving to: ‘index.html’

index.html                       [ <=>                                          ]     166  --.-KB/s    in 0s      

2022-03-19 16:59:44 (12.5 MB/s) - ‘index.html’ saved [166]

cat index.html

    "name": "TobiasTestPool",
    "description": "The pool that tests all the pools",
    "ticker": "TEST",
    "homepage": "https://trustworty.000webhostapp.com"

cardano-cli stake-pool metadata-hash --pool-metadata-file index.html


so it looks like there has happened a wrong calculation and afterwards wrong registration.

regards, obi

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You have to reregister if you change the metadata JSON file that you uploaded.

It’s the step described, for example, in the Coincashew guide here:

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tobiaslicht@trustworthy:~/cardano-operation$ cardano-cli stake-pool metadata-hash --pool-metadata-file …/cardano-config/index.html

tobiaslicht@trustworthy:~/cardano-operation$ rm …/cardano-config/index.html
tobiaslicht@trustworthy:~/cardano-operation$ vim …/cardano-config/poolMetadata.json
tobiaslicht@trustworthy:~/cardano-operation$ cat …/cardano-config/poolMetadata.json
“name”: “TobiasTestPool”,
“description”: “The pool that tests all the pools”,
“ticker”: “TEST”,
“homepage”: “https://trustworty.000webhostapp.com

That is what we get from the pool!? Why you get another hash like me?

Wild guess: The file on the web has no newlines?

Anyway, it has to be the hash of the file at the given URL, not some file on your disk.

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It’s only testnet, so it isn’t that important, but you can, of course, also repair it with uploading the file with the matching hash to the URL without reregistering.

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Thats right but we copy the file and change only the data.

I don’t understand what you mean here.

The hash you give to --metadata-hash has to be the hash of the file found at --metadata-url. It doesn’t matter, where you copied the file from before that. But you have to call cardano-cli stake-pool metadata-hash on exactly that file, not some file with roughly the same content.

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ok we got it.
The file was modified when we upload it to the webserver …
Now we upload it from our website and magic, the hash is correct now.
thank u all