I feel like I have to qualify myself to even be able to share my thoughts with the community, because if not risk being treated like an idiot and having valid points disregarded. Please read the following knowing how much I want Cardano to accomplish its mission!
I was born with a rare genetic disease called Gaucher. When I was born my family lived and owned a dairy farm on over a hundred acres of beautiful land in Camp Creek Oregon. It was an amazing place to be a kid, but around the age of 5 I was diagnosed with Gaucher, and based on my condition at the time doctors said I would probably live to 8 or 9.
Around the age of 7 my liver and spleen were 10x the size they should be and could have exploded at any time, also my bones were deteriorating rapidly. When I was 7 years old a treatment was found that could combat the effects of the disease, but it was an infusion I would have to get weekly for as long as I lived. And worse, it was the one of the most expensive medicines in the world costing around $300,000 a year.
My mother was a single parent dairy farmer and did not have health insurance or that kind of money, so she frantically looked to find a way to get me the medicine. She tried to move to Canada, get the medicine from Mexico, and other options, but the only thing that worked out was, if you lived in Washington State and lived below the poverty line the state had to help you with the cost of lifesaving medication. So my mother had to lose the farm and cows she spent her whole life working for and move her family to another state to live in poverty to get life saving medicine for her kid.
Once we moved to Washington State my life became a weekly trip to the doctors to get a 2 hour IV, and the start of me realizing the effects having a disease was having on my family. By time I was a teenageer I hated myself for even being born and causing hardship for my family, and even though I had been getting infusions for years every week when I was 15 I had the bone density of an 85 year old man in my spine.
I felt like I could not chase my dreams or I would risk losing the medicine keeping me alive. If I or my family made more than $800 a month all together we would not be under the poverty line and the state would stop paying for my medicine.
So my choices were stay poor and get medicine, or ty to get out of poverty and try to afford $300K a year medicine before I die. This thinking led me to major depression by the time I was 16, and a life in which drugs and alcohol were how I dealt with my hopelessness. I did not really care if I died, and I even thought my family might be better off if I did.
This way of thinking and living ended up leading to more bad decisions and when I was 20 years old coming back from a party on the Kalama River I had my Ford Explorer loaded with 10 people I was giving a ride to and taking them back to their cars parked at the bottom of the river. I was driving like an idiot and the rear passenger tire came off the rim and caused my vehicle to roll over twice and kill the girl riding in the front passenger seat.
Thankfully no one else was killed or had any real injuries, except me. I was partly ejected, breaking my neck and causing many fractures to my skull. When the ambulance arrived I was barely conscious and could only think about how I was now responsible for someone losing their daughter and hated myself more than ever for even being born.
They say I died on the way to the hospital, I don’t know I just remember gaining consciousness in the ER at St John’s Hospital for a few moments with police and nurses yelling at each other before coming out of a coma 10 days later in the intensive care unit at Oregon Health & Science University after having brain surgery to remove blood clots from my brain.
Coming to my senses at OHSU I knew that whatever future I did have now was going to include prison time. By time I was well enough and sentenced to 3 ½ years I was angry about the life I felt destined to. And ashmand of what I had amounted to. When I first got to prison I was so angry at the world and God for how I felt He treated me.
Thank God He has patience and mercy, because despite my selfishness and pride God saved me in prison. That is another story itself, but let me just say I went from a person that suffered from a lot of physical pain from the car wreck, and massive emotional pain from all the bad choices I had made, to a person free of pain and full of joy and hope in one day.
I spent two more years in prison after that moment, full of more hope for the future than I had in my 20 years before being locked up. I got out in 2008 during a financial collapse in the USA and people with college degrees and years of experience were applying for any kind of job. So me being a person with no degree, no work history, and now a Class A Felon, my employment opportunities were near zero.
While cleaning peoples toilets, landscaping their property, and doing any other kind of side work I could get, I have dreamed up many types of business models that would improve people’s lives, including mine.
And while living below the poverty line so I could get life saving medicine I have tried starting many types of businesses but experienced many trials and hardships that have stood in my way as I try to get out of the poverty.
Two years ago I decided to startup or die trying, and gave up taking medication I have been on since I was 8 years old so that I could pursue entrepreneurship in hopes of getting out of the poverty needing medicine caused.
Why do I share all this with you? Because I am Cardano’s ideal client! I was the unbankable, but now I am banking others and creating jobs by building sustainable businesses that deliver Triple Bottom Line ROI. The first thing Cardano tells people they are all about is “
Making the world work better for all
Cardano is a blockchain platform for changemakers, innovators, and visionaries, with the tools and technologies required to create possibility for the many, as well as the few, and bring about positive global change.” https://cardano.org/
It is statements like this and others that the leadership has made about having a positive impact in the world that attracted me to Cardano, and led me to investing half of my savings into ADA. It is also what made me start designing ways for my businesses to use the Cardano blockchain.
And why I was so excited when I heard about the dcfund during the summit. I believed Cardano meant what they said and were going to be different in good ways and had high hopes to work with them.
Now after taking part in fund1 and fund2 and working tirelessly to read thousands of messages and watch all the updates and townhalls I have found Cardano to be breaking my heart, and the dcfund acting more like a normal VC fund that makes it near impossible to get funding for a startup.
The giving first type of attitude that I thought Cardano was all about has turned into more of a Ebenezer Scrooge attitude, and all I can do is hope that Ghost’s of the past come and visit the leadership fast before Tiny Tim’s last words.
I am writing this as a concerned community member who is an ADA holder and ADA maker and disappointed in how treasury funds for the dcfund are being managed. Almost $1,000,000 dollars worth of ADA are being added to the treasury every epoch, but fund1 gave out $0 ADA to proposals after people worked 4 epochs to help the dcund. Then fund2 is set to only give out $250k worth of ADA after 6-8 epochs, and fund3’s plan is only $500k. So during fund1 and fund2 the treasury will have made about $12million dollars, but is only going to use $250K to support pioneers in the ecosystem.
The dcfund purpose is not to sit and hoard ADA, it’s to incubate the ecosystem. And for the price and utility of ADA to increase we need to fund as many pioneers proposals that the community votes YES on as possible. Not sit on millions of dollars worth of ADA while passionate community members are eager to develop tools, new businesses, and news for Cardano.
So I am asking you the community, do you think using just 3% of the funds the treasury already has is enough to grow our ecosystem?
How much of the staking rewards that dcfund makes every epoch should be allocated for funding proposals?