Hello everyone,
I can’t seem to find a definite answer so I hope you can help.
I have a new stakepool running, I set it up using cntools and all is well.
Which ‘pool’ and ‘wallet’ files do I need to leave on the server though and which ones can I remove? I want to make sure I don’t have any files on there that shouldn’t be.
Thank you
- from wallet folder you must protect (cntools - wallet - encrypt and add a password) or delete payment.skey and stake.skey !before to delete them bkp all files on an usb
- from pool folder you must protect (cntools - pool - encrypt and add a password) or delete cold.skey and cold.vkey
Don’t forget to create a bkp folder with all pool/wallet files (on an USB) before to delete/encrypt them
PS: the files required for BP are only 3: op.cert, vrf.skey and hot.skey
Thank you for the detailed answer, that helps a lot!
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