BTW, I decided to give up on Cardano. It’s not that I don’t know Haskell. I do, or rather did (up to, but not including monads). Solidity is a better language IMHO, because it can use effects. I think the creator of Plutus admitted that purity was a misfeature long ago. But I’m not trying to start a debate here.
Anyway, I gave Plutus a try in a VM after watching some tutorials on YouTube. Here are my impressions:
The complexity is offensive. No other word for it. Simple things should be simple. There should be one, and preferably only one obvious way of doing things. Cardano took this motto and did the opposite, with its cacophony of stake pools, side chains, datum (is that even a word?), “extended” UTXOs, etc. etc. It’s not that the complexity could not be overcome. I’m sure it can all be learned. I just find it distasteful.
On top of that, all this complexity seems to be poorly documented. Even when you follow instructions the best way you can, they often don’t work. says “send funds to anyone, anywhere”. I don’t think this is accurate, since there are people that just don’t get crypto, so while e.g. I can send cardano to my friend in a different country, My mom was not able to get her birthday present this year. Moreover, the price of Cardano seems to depend on other cryptos without requiring them in any way. I kind of knew this line was misleading going in, but still, let me register my complaint.
I’ve learned that Bitcoin can achieve smart contracts too, which is a cons for Cardano, since everything is relative.
The Cardano summit talk that you all loved had the opposite effect on me. Who the heck gets upset that his blockchain supports simple, reliable transactions out of the box?! Who finds this relatable? Or the best talk they ever watched? People very different from me, I guess. I like it when stuff works.
This community here is obviously a plus. I don’t think there is a blockchain with nerdier users.
Anyway, bye, and thanks for trying to help. I might pop back if I change my mind, but I probably won’t.
If you look at the history of programming languages, you can see that not the safest and cleanest programming languages have prevailed.
Example: With the programming language Ada it is possible to develop much safer and more stable programs than with C/C++. Ada is therefore still used today in the military sector. But in most companies C/C++ and other languages have prevailed.
So how to convince the developers of Haskell?
Solidity is much easier for most developers to learn. If you have ever programmed in a C-like programming language, you can learn Solidity in a few days.
And it works. Although Solidity not a nice language.
I would be very surprised if soon masses of blockchain developers learn Haskell successfully. History doesn’t bode well.
I’d rather compare Solidity with Marlowe. It’s just that development of Marlowe has not finished yet. Once people compare with Marlowe you’ll see how much better it is compared to Solidity. Even better, there’s going to be a library of standard trading vehicles for Marlowe. That’s already in development.
IMO the era of dApps on Cardano just started. And there’s so much to discover…
I find this discussion as an investor quit relevant… I will investigate further in to developers giving up on Cardano. I want to believe and will give it time.
Here are developers git hub commits for just this week:
That’s 2,534 in one week. Cardano is always in top of dev commits. The number of devs is constantly increasing. First 2 Plutus Pioneer programs trained over 5,000 new devs. Cardano is currently developing resources to support these devs, After that they will start on support for other languages for all those that can’t do Haskell. That however will take over a year. First priority will be (and should be) Plutus/Haskell support and resources.
Great things take time because the foundations have to be strong, otherwise they will quickly buckle due to the rushed building which included fractures or flaws, I see the slower evolution as a positive of Cardano.
It’s just that crypto and block chain tech is neither fintech nor banks. And - btw. your charts don’t represent reality as - especially in the banking sector - most developments don’t disclose details.
The fact is Haskell is not very popular among programmers and companies. Since 1990.
A company that uses C++ in critical areas uses special standardized test procedures to test the quality of the software.
Why don’t they just use Ada or Haskell?
For example, Vyper (more secure) is not as popular as Solidity. Why?
Haskell is not as obscure as many here seem to think. Lots of universities start their curricula with functional programming for a reason and Haskell clearly is the most comprehensive and successful ecosystem among the purely functional languages.
Functional programming did not need some crypto currency project to get picked up in mainstream ecosystems. Scala has been there since 2004, F# since 2005. Lambda calculus was introduced in the 1930s and everyone with a proper computer science degree and not merely some coding bootcamp training should really have heard of it.
Hi, I use cardano but not now cardano needs to help me first to or get my wallet working on my new phone, and the 2cond I need the new wallet I create to work because I put funds on it but it does not allow to delegate because it argues that my spending pass is not correct it’s been a big pain to deal with the centralise exchange and their stupid chest the authentificator ill spent over 3 hours and had to wait like a fuking idiot… cambiar de Telefono no es un puto pecado… l
Do u have the seed words for yoroi (guessing u are using yoroi) 15 seed words?
If yes try to restore the wallet on your new phone
download yoroi app (from official sources) → open yoroi → add wallet → restore → write the seed words (15 words) → set the wallet name + spending pssword (can be same as ur wallet from old phone)
If the seed words used is correct after this operation u should see your balance and u will can perform transactions.
Hi yes my big problem now is I can’t delegate my adas and just want to know are my gonna lose that can I contact support… so it says my spending pass is not correct it says so I can’t move my money soo wat it is next?
My money will be there forever ?
Are my going to be able to do somting?
Were can I get support for yoroi
Then just build with Solidity on Cardano using the Milkomeda sidechain which is approaching beta release. It will also be more performant than solidity contracts on ethereum .
Cardano will also be onboarding all major programming languages
thanks to the K-framework ( by Runtime Verification (@rv_inc)…
(mid to longer term):
…and more