Having the newly founded Board with some exceptional members with unquestionable integrity and professionalism the Cardano Foundation is finally in very good and caring hands.(https://cardanofoundation.org/en/news/cardano-foundation-statement-14th-december-2018).
It is also reassuring to see that some of the new leaders of the Foundation have already proven their true passion, loyalty and efficiency within the Ecosystem in other critical roles.
This interim Board will have the challenging task to build up a state of the art Board structure that sustains and efficiently serves the very best interest of the Cardano Ecosystem, while carefully managing it´s resources & assets.
A successful Board has strong diversity, quite a few members (7-11) and brings a lot of different perspectives, experience and culture along the strategy, vision and goals of the Foundaiton into the respective decision making processes on the Board Meetings.
One of the key perspectives to add would be the Voice of the Community. Having someone (or maybe more people) who filters, aggregates and presents the Community´s authentic feedback and is a mediator between the Board and the Community could work out pretty well. It could be a key responsibility for such a person to set up, support and supervise the infrastructure for the assessment and vetting of Community Projects, which apply for funding (Cardano Hub).
Being at Plutusfest I have heard the rumors spreading fast, that the Board might consider one Guardian to become a Board member. At this point I mentioned it to Eystein and we naturally got really excited and sent our applications way early without having any formal or official communication or process in place.
But then we were struggling a bit later that something is missing, being You, the Community!
For the Cardano Foundation to truly restore its trust it needs a board member(s) from the Community, that was voted in by the Community. There are so many passionate, intelligent and highly educated people in the broad Community to allow for some truly amazing candidates even if they were not at the right time, right place or in the right state to be part of the Guardians of Cardano group.
Such a candidate elected by the Community would have all the authenticity, legitimacy and empowerment from the Community.
We also hope the voting could eventually take place on the Cardano infrastructure if ready by then. To write a voting DAPPS on Plutus wouldn´t be a big issue, there would be other challenges around identity (multiple wallet addresses may belong to one) and the need for KYC.
Let the Community decide or influence the process, protocol, eligibility, rules & policies, terms, length of mandate and infrastructure for this very unique initiative. Letâs have a fully transparent application process and also selection process. Let the candidates freely campaign for a month or two (whatever the Community and Cardano Foundation thinks is an appropiate timeline) in the Community regarding their program and let the Community finally vote and decide.
Just imagine the amount of valuable assets, such as creative content, number of relationships, the excitement and strong media coverage such a Community Campaign for the Board Position would generate, this unique once in a lifetime opportunity would inspire and strengthen the Community as no other in the crypto space.
The candidates for this Board member position could be the 6097 people who signed the petition âLiberate the Cardano Foundationâ, when the Foundation badly needed their support or even to let anyone from the Community to apply if one can show sufficient support from the Community.
As the Guardians have a significant advantage over other Community members and our group has also eventually disintegrated following a Governance conflict it feels appropriate if we would not run for such a position. Personally we will not participate in such a process and officially revoke our previous applications. We would even go that far inviting all the other Guardians to not run for Board member position and let the other members of the Community start off in an equal opportunity competition.
Nevertheless, where the xGuardians might add some real tangible value is to supervise & support this Board selection process and help with reviewing all the applications, carrying out interviews, etc. Basically to stand by the Cardano Foundation Board to orchestrate the Campaign and lift this burden from their shoulders.
This Cardano Roadmap Item would be such a nice learning experience and might provide some really valuable output for the future Governance and Treasury System of Cardano. We would also get to know our Community better, see the faces, see the personalities and see our diversity, which was already shown once when the Petition has been signed from all the hidden corners from around the World.
What do you Guys think?
Would this spice up our Community Life a bit?
Bertalan Vecsei (@bercinho)
Eystein Magnus Hansen (@Eystein_Hansen)
Mihori Liu (@Mihori)
Tim Wulteputte (@Bullish)
ps: we have also officially informed the Cardano Foundation Board