2024 Interim Constitutional Committee (ICC) Election - Candidates

The interim constitutional committee (ICC) election seeks to determine the three community seats for the ICC. The ICC will be made up of seven members in total, with three community seats and one seat each for the Cardano Foundation, EMURGO, IOG, and Intersect. The goal of the ICC is to uphold the interim constitution during the technical bootstrapping phase between the Chang #1 and Chang #2 upgrades, ensuring a smooth transition during the governance transformation.

Election Timeline

  • 28 May 2024 - 10 June 2024: Registration period for community members.
  • 8 June 2024: Ada snapshot taken.
  • 13 June 2024 - 23 June 2024: Voting phase
  • 26 June 2024: Election results will be announced.

To vote please visit: https://icc-election.intersectmbo.org/


Here are the candidates along with their profiles and social media links where available:

  1. Aaron Ou

  2. Abe Ellis

  3. Andrew Donovan

  4. รtico Mismana

  5. Cardano Confederation of Emerging Economies

  6. Cardano Japan

  7. Eastern Cardano Council

  8. INO NPO

  9. Johnny Kelly

  10. Jonathan Partlow

  11. Joshua Stone

  12. Kamaldeen Musah

  13. Kevin Mohr

  14. Lloyd Duhon

  15. Mauro Agustรญn Andreoli

  16. Nicodemus Rodriguez

  17. Rich Manderino (EarnCoinPool)

  18. Scientific Analytical Tools LLC

  19. Tevo Saks

  20. The Cardano Atlantic Council

  21. Vaibhav Solanki