A Fund 13 Marketing Proposal - Do you feel this would benefit you?

Hello Cardano Community,

I’ve had the privilege of participating in Project Catalyst as a Community Reviewer through several funding rounds. This afforded me a unique opportunity to see the strengths and weaknesses of the ecosystem. I would say that the ecosystem’s strengths (a well-built blockchain, dedicated people, a culture of learning and sharing, commitment to inclusivity, a spirit of altruism) far outweigh it’s weakness.

That said, marketing appears to be an persistent challenge. There are several initiatives being formulated within the community to address this in different ways. For this round of Project Catalyst I’ve submitted a proposal specifically geared toward helping people and businesses building on Cardano learn how to better market what they create.

Have a look at the proposal, and if you feel that it’s something that could benefit you and the greater Cardano community, keep this project on your radar when voting opens up.

Thank you, and questions and feedback are welcome.:ok_hand: