About pledge amount

I followed the steps given in the doc to create a staking pool but I have confused about the pledge amount.
How anyone can pledge into a pool is that simple by just transferring the pledge amount to the stake key before pool registration?
Can we able to increase the pool pledge after registering pool?


Good question. So you need to transfer the pledge to owner payment.addr.
Yes, the pledge can be increased by re-registering the pool with the new pledge amount.

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Okay, So whatever amount we want to pledge we have to put it in payment.addr.
For example I want to pledge 1000 ADA and what If my payment.addr has 2000 ADA Will it take the all 2000 ADA as pledge or only the amount mentioned in flag --pool-pledge AMOUNT TO PLEDGE IN LOVELACE at time of registering pool?

will the process of re registering be the same?
Like generate the registration certificate and then submit it and get new pool ID every time ? what about the older pool that we generated before ? Sorry for being so dumb.

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Yes, only the defined pledge amount will be counted. (–pool-pledge AMOUNT TO PLEDGE IN LOVELACE)

Yes, the re-register process is the same but without the pool deposit. and you wont get new pool-id, since the cold.key will be the same… during the certificate generation

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Okay seems like easy steps to do that.
One more confusion for building the transaction to submit the registration pool cert.
We need to just include the CHANGE IN LOVELACE = UTXO balance - tx fee(not pool deposit here)to the flag --tx-out $(cat payment.addr)+CHANGE IN LOVELACE right? then just submit the transaction to the chain. I am following the build transaction command as given here 8. Registering a Stake Pool with Metadata — cardano-node Documentation 1.0.0 documentation

Yes, that is (without deposit) but if you make a mistake the submit will just fail…

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Thank you @laplasz for the informatiobn I’ll try it out in testnet then mainnet.

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