ADA Sent from exchange shows transferred back out only hours later

Back in February I bought 6,222 ADA from Binance. I transferreed 100 to my desktop wallet first to test out the transfer and everything showed up on my desktop wallet so I transferred the rest successfully. Later that evening (same day of a major wallet update for what it’s worth) all amounts show that they were transferred out to another address. I’m meticulous with my secret keys, phrases, keystores, etc. and feel very strongly this is not a hack job. Using the block explorer, I searched with this data from my desktop wallet:

From addresses

To addresses

Transaction assurance level

High. 258513 confirmations.
Transaction ID


This is where I need help. One destination appears to be a dead end and never loads the webpage, while the other shows only the two addresses and one appears to belong to Binance (someone helped me with this using a different block explorer that I can’t remember the name of). Is it possible for a transaction to “bounce” back to where it came from? I sent my logs into tech support and they have yet to provide any help. It has been several months and I tried many times to “nudge” them. Any ideas?

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No, if your secret key was not compromised. No one can send and transaction from your address, without having an access to the secret key (12 words).

Please show the address you sent the first 100 ADA to, i cannot find it, screen shots of your wallet that contain the transactions would be good to see also, the address that you are showing to have received and sent your ADA only shows 2 transactions while you are saying there should be 3 - the first 100 - the larger transaction - and then all of it leaving, there are holes in your scenario that I cannot follow, when math does not add up i can’t even begin to understand what is going on.

I agree with @vantuz-subhuman

P.S. I like to use adatracker @ when I use the block explorer.

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Also it was a span of like 5 minutes that the 6,222 was transferred in and out of the wallet.

Something fishy going on…that address does not show the first “100”…but the second address where the 6,222 ADA was send the explorer flashes “That address does not exist” before going back to look like reloading…and it is not 6222…it actually says 6,445.863699 was transferred out within 5 minutes, just like @anon20038177 said


Thanks! That was the tracker I couldn’t remember. Much more user friendly. Anyway I’ve attached the entire wallet worth of transactions from most recent to most distant. There were some earlier transactions in the wallet but they were so much earlier I didn’t think them relevant. Also, as for the hours vs mins timeline, I guess I remembered incorrectly and looking at it now it was clearly more than a 100 for the test but the intent was to make sure before moving in a larger amount. It’s been several months since this happened. I thought them lost but have since gained renewed hope in trying to recover the ADA.


From addresses

To addresses

Transaction assurance level

High. 258798 confirmations.
Transaction ID



From addresses

To addresses

Transaction assurance level

High. 260802 confirmations.
Transaction ID



From addresses

To addresses

Transaction assurance level

High. 289688 confirmations.
Transaction ID



From addresses

To addresses

Transaction assurance level

High. 408022 confirmations.
Transaction ID



From addresses

To addresses

Transaction assurance level

High. 450781 confirmations.
Transaction ID



From addresses

To addresses

Transaction assurance level

High. 525699 confirmations.
Transaction ID



From addresses

To addresses

Transaction assurance level

High. 526093 confirmations.
Transaction ID


adatracker shows this transaction weird - not enough inputs. Just for history: I have reported this issue to them.

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6222 was transferred from this address plus 223 from another address (same wallet):

The whole post seems weird and fishy to me =\

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Yeah part of the problem for me is a simple lack of knowledge on how exactly the wallet system works. One thing I was hoping the logs might be able to reveal is if the transaction was initiated from my desktop wallet, or just my address, from elsewhere, using compromised keys/mneumonic. Is there a way to tell this?

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No. Transactions do not contain this information.

Btw, did you only sent all your ADA in two transactions from Binance: 100 ADA and 6222 ADA, right?

This is the wrong thread for your post, I will quote your post in a proper thread.

Yeah I did, had multiple things open. Thank you for your explanation too :slight_smile:

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I added another post but it was so long it said it’s under review. Anyway I explain that no, there were many deposits (like 8 or so) but spanned several months. I only mentioned the last few because the others didn’t seem relevant. However, since the wallet was “cleaned out” I supposed all of the transactions may be relevant. The last few though were in a very short timeframe.

Original: I cannot see any issues, the only issue I can see is that the adatracker’s databases are inconsistent or their web app cannot handle the blocks properly.

Update: Something is not right. I am checking. The cardanoexplorere shows the proper transaction but cannot show the target address. While adatracker cannot show the proper transaction, but can show the target address.


Can you pls take a screenshot of your cleaned Wallet’s Summary, Send, Receive and Transaction pages?
As it seems to me a hack, but it was sent to Binance address, therefore you can ask Cardano/IOHK/Binance to follow that transaction if it was not initiated by you, as to have a Binance account the individual needs to go through some KYC.

Anyway, I will check it further when I get home.

Update: It seems cardanoexplorer’s GUI does not like the long output as the API properly shows the transactions and the address summary. It definitely seems to me a hack. Contact to Binance.

Update2: Those transactions are legit and no any issue /w the blockchain nor the cardanoexplorer except the API design decision of the cardanoexplorer which allows to pull all transactions (ten thousands) for an address in a query, which takes a lot of time. Hopefully, it will be or already is solved in the API v1. So, your wallet is definitely hacked. Seek for some advice/help from Binance, but I doubt that they would do anything.


Thanks for your insight. I’ve started a support ticket with Binance. If it was a hack then they were very good. I could not be more careful with my crypto wallets. Hope they make a hardware wallet compatibility soon. As much as I hate to keep my crypto on exchanges, what other choice is there for now?

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Are you saying your Binance ADA wallet hacked or your Daedalus wallet hacked?

Neither. His 12 secret words are hacked.

That’s too bad, usually the 12 secret words seed is fairly secure

It’s exactly as secure as your way of storing it. It cannot be “hacked” by itself, it’s just a 12 random words. It may be stolen from the owner, tho.

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