I need a bit of advice please ok keys and wallets.
In the staking tutorial, we use the cardano-cli to create the payment and staking addresses.
We generate keypairs for these addresses and we use the verification key in transfers.
In general, we have something like this
payment.addr --Payment address
payment.skey --Payment signing key
payment.vkey --Payment verification key
Is there any way to add these addresses to a wallet like a Yoroi or Daedalus Wallets?
Or is there a way to use an address created in Yoroi or Daedalus but then how would I get the signing and verification keys?
I just do not understand the relationship of the addresses to a wallet.
using cardano-cli will create a cardano-cli wallet which can’t be imported in daedalus or yoroi, but u have the option to import a daedalus/yoroi wallet using the mnemonic words
Or is there a way to use an address created in Yoroi or Daedalus but then how would I get the signing and verification keys?
Yes, u can import a daedalus/yoroi wallet using the mnemonic
it will create same files (using the import option it will import the first/oldest address from the wallet)
I will recommand the import option, because u will have controll of the funds from daedalus/yoroi
Yoroi generates new addresses automatically for each transaction and uses them to receive the utxo output.
When importing the address and keys from a Yoroi wallet, you get the keys for the first (base) address.
If you want to do transactions using the cli, you either must not do transaction in yoroi or have to do an intrawallet transaction in yoroi to send your funds from your derived addresses to the base address. Otherwise the cli would return a balance 0 Lovelace.
Although the above is all true, here is another thing you may want to ponder about …
Every time you touch an *.skey it may get compromised, either in transit, in storage or else. Ideally, you would not want to even have these sensitive *.skeys. Instead, you could use a HW wallet to setup your pool and perhaps most importantly to handle your owner stake/pledge. If this resonates with you, have a look at this.
Yes the HW wallet option is very appealing and I expect this is what I will use. So according to the explanation, the ledger wallet is the most integrated at the moment and probably the one to go for?