Yoroi to Yoroi staking

Hi, I am new in cryptocurrencies and Cardano has definitely caught my eye. I just bought my first ADA and put it in my Ledger wallet through Yoroi. I would like to stake the ADA I have with Yoroi staking so I created a new wallet there but when I try to send my coins it says “please enter a valid address”. Some help would be appreciated!

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You can’t stake right now on the Mainnet and you can’t send your Mainnet Ada to the Testnet.

At the moment the only way to stake is, when you had your Ada at the 29th november in your Yoroi or Daedalus Wallet.


Hi Zyroxa,
I had my ada on the 29th of November on yoroi wallet. My wallet is a 12 words. I have installed the yoroi staking testnet but I don’t know how to do to transfer my funds because it asks me for 15 words. What should I do to stake my ADA ?
Thanks for your help

Are you sure it wasn’t Daedalus?

you should be able to restore your wallet in the ITN, are you sure that you had it on yoroi and not in daedalus?

I created first my wallet on Daedalus and when Yoroi went available instead of making a recovery in Yoroi, I sent my ada to Yoroi. Then I have used the ledger nano S. I am also trying to upload the Daedalus rewards but it does not connect to sync….I could send my ada from Yoroi to Yoroi testnet but I guess if I do so, I may not be able to get rewards ?
Thanks for your help

Oh yes the 12 words are those from the Daedalus wallet and I mixed everything because in Yoroi I used the ledger nano S so I don’t have 15 words and I really don’t know how to do without changing my keys on the ledger as they say on Yoroi testnet…… I cannot even send my ada from Yoroi to Yoroi testnet, because it tells me the address is not valid ! I really don’t know how to do and I have seen that other people have the same problem because they were using the ledger ……
Thanks for your help

as i already said, you can’t send ada from mainnet to the testnet.

you can only participate on the testnet if you had your ada in yoroi (not with the nano ledger hardware wallet) or daedalus wallet at the 29th november 2019.

Thanks for your response. My ADA were on Yoroi but instead of having 15 words I used Ledger nano S !

ye that doesnt work. your ada had to be in a yoroi wallet without nano ledger :slight_smile:

Oh ! Well that’s a shame…. I tried in December and then I gave up until now …… such a shame…. Thanks for your help ! :sweat_smile:

Hello Alpha 100,

You can participate in the ITN if your ada was in a hardware wallet on 29th Nov 2019.

However it is very important you understand the risk associated with this, then considering the potential time left to earn rewards you need to make an informed decision. - If you do participate it is strongly recommended you send your mainnet ada to another wallet. Reset you hardware wallet, create a new wallet with new seed words, then send your ada back.

Check this video out to help with the information you need:

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Oh i didnt know that :smiley: thanks for the input :slight_smile:

No worries, it wasn’t initially released and was much safer for people to send their ada to a non-hardware wallet for the snapshot, then send the ada back after. So prior to the snapshot the message was to move your ada.

However, many people didn’t do that, so EMURGO decided to add the ability for people to access their test ada even if it was on a hardware wallet. - This comes with risk, so they also created this video.

The snapshot on the 29th Nov 2019 took a copy of ALL ada on the blockchain, it didn’t know where that ada was stored. So technically if an exchange create something compatible with the Shelley Testnet Blockchain, then even people who had their ada in an exchange would of been able to access their test ada and participate.

I can’t remember the exchange name, but pretty sure I remember reading somewhere that one exchange did this for their clients.


hi i have a question.
i have my yoroi wallet which has 1500 ADA , i also install chrome extension for shelly testnet wallet for staking , also restore wallet at testnet and it was showing correct wallet details of my real ADA wallet at yoroi , however the balance is not refelected in testnet and so can not stake it , why its not reflecting ??
and by the way this all happen on 14 may 2020

Was that ada in your yoroi wallet on 29th November 2019?

no i transferred from my bittrex exchange to my yoroi wallet on 13 may , so that means if i dont have ada on 29th nov , i can not participate in shelly testnet for staking ???

Correct :+1: - you will need to wait for staking to be released on mainnet

OK. Thanks LG.
Just a quick question , do u think cardano is good investment with let say 2-3 yrs horizon ??

No worries.

Unfortunately I can’t answer this question for you. Only you should answer this question for yourself. Check out the roadmap, read the scientific papers, get information and updates from official sources (not third party). To make an informed decision.

I believe the Cardano Blockchain is a promising system and has potential; ‘is it a good investment’ is an entirely different question.

Remember if you buy the native token (ada) it is not like investing in stocks and shares in traditional stock markets.