I can't stake in Yoroi

Good afternoon everyone,

I’m new to staking and I watched a couple of youtube videos on how to stake my ADA with Yoroi. I have also downloaded the Cardano app in my ledger key. I send ADA to the Yoroi wallet so I can start to stake and when I pick a link to delegate I get this message, also the amount seems to be wrong? I only have around 5 ADA in my wallet.

How can I start staking?

Hope you guys can help

Thank you
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Hi @Jorge_DLT

Check if this post and the solution provided here fixes your problem.

Unable to send ada from Yoroi using Nano S - English / Community Technical Support - Cardano Forum

Thank you for the link. I have checked my firmware and its up to date as well as the Cardano app in the ledger. So, I might have to change to Adalite instead of using Yoroi.

Did you also check if you are on the most recent yoroi extension?

You could try adalite.io to see if that works. Both yoroi and adalite are just representation of what actually is on your ledger so it doesnt matter if you use either to delegate. you can always switch between wallets.

Yes, I did. I did the Yoroi download this afternoon and it says its up to date. I don’t know if the problems is because I’m in Mozilla and not Chrome. :man_shrugging:

That might also be the cause. I have heard some problems with firefox (I believe it was firefox). If possible try chrome and yoroi.

From what it looked like it was Firefox the problem. I downloaded Chrome and I’m staking at the moment. Thank you for the help!

I just noticed that I had 5ADA and when I staked it says that now I have 2ADA. why?


To stake you have to pay transaction fees plus 2 ada deposit which you will get back when you unstake.