I’m working on generating my stake pool keys, and familiarising myself with cardano-address CLI. All seems to be well and good, but when i derive my payment address at 1852H/1815H/0H/0/0, the payment address produced does not match up with the first address I see in Daedalus when I restore the wallet with the same recovery phrase.
I understand the BIP-44 HD Sequential Wallets… from what I’ve read, that first address I see in Daedalus should match up with the base payment address? I’ve also tried the address at index 1 but that also doesn’t line up.
Any insight is greatly appreciated
edit - additional information - the commands I am running, following the amazing guide by jbax:
Perhaps related to this, I found that the Addresses generated by Ledger from a given 24-Word Mnemonic do not correspond to those generated by Daedalus, ADALite. The algorithm must be different. Ledger claims that it is BIP39/BIP44 compliant and that you can restore your address space with any other compliant wallet. If that holds, it follows that Daedalus, ADALite are no such “compliant wallets”
That the Mnemonics from a standard compliant wallet cannot be used with Daedalus, ADALite and vice versa is problematic, but I don’t see how this could be fixed in a backward compatible way.
I was comparing the payment address instead of the delegated payment address. To validate, the delegated payment address derived from the stake key will match to TOP address you see in Daedalus.