Hi all,
Trying to setup a node here using docker (running Debian 10, user to run containers is in the docker group, not requiring sudo). Tried both the cardano-node image and @tdiesler’s nessusio cardano-node version. While I can start the container fine, there is always a problem running the cli. For example, following the documentation for nessusio, I can start the relay on testnet like this:
docker run --detach \
--name=testrl \
-p 3001:3001 \
-e CARDANO_NETWORK=testnet \
-v test-data:/opt/cardano/data \
nessusio/cardano-node run
docker logs -f testrl
Then it is suggested that I can run the cli in the following manner:
alias cardano-cli="docker run -it --rm \
-v ~/cardano:/var/cardano/local \
-v node-ipc:/opt/cardano/ipc \
nessusio/cardano-node cardano-cli"
cardano-cli query tip --mainnet
However, whatever I try, I always get an error:
cardano-cli: Network.Socket.connect: <socket: 11>: does not exist (No such file or directory)
Tried to export CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH environment variable pointing to a path within the home of the user running the container (and using absolute path for that variable) - no difference.
What am I missing or doing wrong there?