Amazon AWS (pool stake operators) Whats the best / cheapest setup?

Hello @Alexd1985 do you still using this config of 14,99€/month? Im new here and Im trying to know which one is the cheaper option (Im trying to create a Cardano stake pool but Im a student so dont have a lot of capital enough to pay 100€/month so 15€/month would be nice.) I have seen on AWP but the price would be 30+
Any advice for me? I will try this week to hire this CONTABO server and I will follow the guide you made (How to set up a POOL in a few minutes - and register using CNTOOLS) to create the pool.

PD: Im from Spain, I think you speak spanish (I’ve read other entries where you spoke spanish) but in your profile your language is English so I tried my best to write it on english :joy::love_you_gesture:t3: