This event will be held on Sunday, December 22, 2024
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm GMT+7 in a Hybrid manner. Online from all cities and Offline in Surabaya. This event was attended by 33 people online and 20 people attended offline in Surabaya.
On this occasion we discussed several things related to the Cardano Ecosystem, including the Project Catalyst Update, Cardano Constitutional Buenos Aires & Nairobi 2025 Update, Announcement Funded Proposal “Cardano Hub Indonesia” and Co finance Collaboration.
This event is our collaboration with Co Finance, Co Finance is one of the DeFi entities. They focus on creating stacking and preparing for bridges with several chains. Currently they are ready for launching and on this occasion, They are thrilled to introduce CoFinance, the latest DeFi platform that’s just secured strategic funding from CrossFi. This is your chance to dive into the world of decentralized finance and explore the innovative developments happening within the Cardano ecosystem. Our event will be packed with highlights, including the first-ever launch of the CoFinance testnet, insights into DeFi app development on Cardano, and discussions on building a strong DeFi community.
The Co Finance Developer Team has bridged to enter the Cardano ecosystem, one of which is by making a proposal with Cardano Hub Indonesia. We have a vision for a dedicated team to create many integrations with the Cardano Ecosystem.
This event was held live on the Cardano Hub Indonesia Youtube channel.