An Open Letter to the Cardano Community from IOHK and Emurgo

First of all guys, sincerely thank you to give us an idea how it appears and looks from your point of view. This is very useful.

Misteraxyz refers to an action I want to show and explain here, as it looks like more transparency is what he wants.
User @bercinho started a new thread at Sustainability of Cardano; Decentralized Organization & Governance for Cardano; Guardians, Priests, Doctors, Fighters, Scientists, Wizards, Inspectors

The first 2-3 comments were from two users. One of them @misteraxyz became attacked at a personal level by another user, and it looked like the thoughts and efforts to post the original thread and bring it to a discussion in this community quickly end up in a personal dispute.

So I first contacted via DM the initially offending user

and then - also via DM - let @misteraxyz know that these personal attacking messages were removed, in order to keep the focus on the original topic and interest of his creator

now everyone can decide for himself …

Have a nice day,
and don’t forget: never stop contributing!