An Open Letter to the Cardano Community from IOHK and Emurgo

First of all: for everyone in this thread providing us with constructive feedback - Thank you.

But unfortunately some people are picking on negativity whilst they seem to forget the bigger cause. It’s making me sad to be very, very honest.

Did you know that:

  • There has been a section on the forum that isnt visible for all users, in which we fought numerous times about improving the ecosystem, mostly providing feedback to the CF and raising our concerns?
  • This goes back for months, not just days?
  • We don’t want to feel special or privileged?
  • We moved IOHK and EM in releasing a letter, not the other way around?
  • We came together and selected each other because we got to know what feelings and concerns we had over the timespan of months discussing in normal Loungecalls and TG channels operated by CF?
  • The timer was setup so that Michael Parsons had the option to reply to our concerns in 3 days, and that we wanted to show that we were very serious about this?
  • We initially wanted to stay anonymous because of possible legal actions (not knowing who would be on our side) but that we decided to put our names on the list to strengthen our position?
  • We indeed tried to form a group that know each other very well - in thoughts, skills and trust.(and don’t even get me started on how many TG messages we’ve generated with this amount. Imagine that the whole Lounge was a Guardian, it just would not work.)
  • We almost had no social life over the last couple of weeks, despite having responsibilities in girlfriends, wives, families and work?
  • We see the Guardians just as a name who shouldnt be here all the time but only when shit hits the fan, and that we continue as the persons we are (please refer to the names in the letter.)
  • It’s very easy to express an opinion when you don’t know the full story. That’s why i am trying to clear some things up here. Or should we all just forget what i have said, delete all the media we’ve generated and just give Parsons a pat on the back and tell him he is doing fine?

It’s not for us, it’s for you - the community.