As we are making exchange , even we have almost made it and we have added many of the coins like BTC,ETH,BCH,LTC,XRP and some of the ERC20 TOKENS, our aim is for top 100 coins , we want to list cardano too, Is it possible for getting your API for wallet generation and transactions.Kindly help me out
@vantuz-subhuman can you please help me , how to use these api in javascript , any leads would be appreciated.
Thanks In Advance
$ npm install najax
$ node
> let najax = require('najax');
> najax('http://cardanoexplorer.com/api/blocks/pages', function(data) {
... let resp = JSON.parse(data);
... let block = resp.Right[1][0];
... console.log('Latest Cardano block: %j', block);
Latest Cardano block: {
Thanks a lot.
Can you help me for creating new wallet and wallet address too?