Beaware youtube scammer video

[Link removed by @Zyroxa], and this web page [Link removed by @Zyroxa],

Hi all please aware this, I lost my 2500 ada due to this give away and I don’t know this is fake live video.

I’m really sad now. This just happen 2hours ago

My ada send to this wallet address addr1qyxhwav0k3d3yjvw74qwt5ddpfjuq8arh37at4a54q4j2sx2rtxtlplyhpnr934dg36c5f96jvf4mxmg5ja9sdy29d7qvy3q2t

This is the taxis addr1qyxhwav0k3d3yjvw74qwt5ddpfjuq8arh37at4a54q4j2sx2rtxtlplyhpnr934dg36c5f96jvf4mxmg5ja9sdy29d7qvy3q2t

If the team can recover and this is my wallet address: addr1q8a725sclkzw257frlge6jzd3takt0ufdkyavuw8fne0t5fhdeptdk23ftspkzz685hs4rgfre55gqfg5gkuj824e2ssjtc2al

Feel free to report those URL here : Jira Service Management

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