Beginner Friendly Cardano Virtual MeetUp 12/21/22

December 21, 2022
Attendees: 8
Opened with brief introductions and the sharing of a video interview recorded in 1984 with Nobel Prize winning economist F.A Hayek. Highlighted some key points made in the video about fiat currencies, credit cards, gold, and his well received but controversial (at the time) theories of a competition of currencies and a call for the denationalization of money. He shared some visions of a future where people move money (value) into a system of accounts that are marked against some highly desireable/high utility commodity. Some correlations/parallels were presented for Cardano and ADA as the launching point for the conversation.
There were some participants who were newer to several ideas in finance and presented some great questions and reflections. Overall, the conversation and input shared by each participant was a reflection about how the current (inherited) financial system treats the individual versus how these proposed financial systems (such as Cardano) treat the human differently; equitably, inclusively, etc. And how the design has potential to also shape human behavior over generations.
The meetup finished after approximately 1hr 45 mins.