Beginner from UK

Hi All
I’m in th UK and am new to crypto currency really impressed with the cardano team and what they are trying to achieve so I’m ready to invest. I understand that you can’t buy ADA with fiat (sterling £) currency can someone point me ti the easiest crypro exchange were I can buy ether for fiat serling and then use it to buy ADA.Is there an exchange that is some and works with the cardana/ADA wallet
Really appreciate any help

HI @Carlazar1389!

Exchanges listing ADA from the Cardano official site:

A summary of Bittrex / Binance fees structure + Important security advices for beginners: Which is the better exchange platform?

You can send ADA to your Daedalus wallet from all exchanges. I recommend to buy ADA with ETH (faster and cheaper) and avoid Bitcoin at the moment. Basically, if you are already registered with any exchanges that lists ETH, you can send them to your Bittrex/Binance ETH address, then buy ADA with it. Maybe have a look at both Bittrex/Binance interface to help you choose the one you like most.


Welcome @Carlazar1389 :slight_smile:

That’s great thanks a lot. Hopefully I’ll be able to navigate around bitrex

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