Title: Overview Blueprint NFT
Authors: Roar Holte
Comments-URI: Blueprint NFT [Overview thread]
Discord: Youblob
Ideascale proposal: Online Makerspace
Status: Draft
Type: Standards
Created: 2023-08-12
License: CC-BY-4.0
Requires: CIP25 & CIP86
Relation: Effort will be presented for the Cardano Summit Hackathon 2023
[Please note this is my first draft/attempt at proposing a CIP, so I am sorry if it reads a bit rough]
As our solution combines several functions around a “Blueprint NFT” I will be splitting these functionalities later on based on community feedback and providing new simpler CIP suggestions where needed.
Suggestion on how to split this effort moving forward
- CIP-Blueprint NFT (product incentives through NFT + ext. metadata)
- CIP-NFT Ownership (extended ownership model aligned with new incentive functions)
- CIP-NFT Equity (Stock option for Multiple Owners on a NFT)
- CIP-AI generated NFT (who owns what AI creates, new business model)
- CIP-FT function as product (a shift in handling of e-commerce products)
- CIP-Wallet Inheritance (handling of account inactivity)
- CIP-CC0 NFT (smart contract handling for open sharing/collaboration)
- CIP-Corporate Smart Contract around Terms of Use (locking Corporate ToS to CC0)
To get an overview of what we are trying to achieve, I present them all under one.
The points below are what we will be solving for our use-case for an Online Makerspace.
(read; product incentives through NFT’s)
Blueprint Publisher where we differentiate between these functionalities;
– Blueprint Author (i.e Artist - currently CIP-25/86 and earns a 5% incentive everytime the NFT is resold)
– Blueprint Team (several Artists/Authors collaborating, where the 5% incentive is split within the team)
– Blueprint Owner (new incentive models for ownerships around a NFT as they generate income)
– Blueprint Metadata (which products/components/tools are combined with what and in which step (how this is solved will later rely heavily on how AI operates)) -
Blueprint AI incentives (who has ownership to what AI produces and sells in the future)
Blueprint NFT as a distributed share (multiple owners)
Blueprint CC0 NFT (i.e Decentralizing the Industry)
Blueprint - Rapid Prototyping (Users can copy existing Blueprints into their own Blueprints and make small changes and publish it with their own iterations added, which will incentivize each effort accordingly)
Blueprint NFT with FT added as products within Blueprints (i.e Consumer pays x everytime they run a code / mathematical equation etc. from the Blueprint) This will also be part of validating e-commerce and shopping online from honest actors and not copy-cats.
Inheritance, as Blueprints will continue to generate income even if the Author(s) passes away, a smart contract around account inactivity is added, could also be used f.ex on hardware wallet on mobile phones if lost)
Other functions towards physical Makerspaces / Organisations are left out of this proposal though they play a big part in enabling local collaboration.
Several functions are made to make it easier to operate an organiztion/makerspace and understand local innovation along with value generation by enabling such. ++
Whitepaper: Whitepaper
Beta release: [can test blueprint functionality]
Dora BUIDL: Youblob | Buidls | DoraHacks
Youblob-Cardano Source code: Bitbucket
A Blueprint NFT is a recipie on how to build something, can be a DIY project or a company explaining a use-case on their own products, as the Blueprint directly connects tools, products and materials used into the Bills Of Material in the Blueprint.
Our main purpose is to enable new incentive models for Makers and their DIY projects, along with establishing new information channels back to the Industry.
Once a Blueprint is converted to a Blueprint NFT, no more edits can be done on the converted Blueprint.
User Journey Pre-requisites
- Cardano native wallet (or Lace) implemented giving each User/Company/Organization a digital wallet and DID:identity upon registration.
User Journey
- Manufacturer registers and sets their % revenue model on their products on what Makers can earn by using their products in the Blueprint BOM (Bills of Material).
- Maker registers and are able to post ideas and improvements through Blueprints by linking products directly into their blueprint steps and giving explanations on its uses.
- By publishing a Blueprint the User becomes Blueprint Author and Blueprint Owner. If it was made through a collaborative effort as a Team, the initiator of the Blueprint is able to allocate % for each participating member, which will split the revenue model accordingly.
- Manufacturer and everyone else is able to see all the different Blueprints connected to different products.
- When a Consumer purchase products through a Blueprint, it provides a revenue stream back to the Blueprint Owner(s) based on the Manufacturer set % revenue model for each product.
- As a Blueprint NFT Owner, I am able to put a price tag on my idea and sell it in the open space.
- Purchasing a Blueprint NFT makes the buyer the new Blueprint Owner [100%] and will earn revenue from sales done through that Blueprint
- We are currently looking in to having multiple owners, and convert the Blueprint NFT into a share, making purchases of a NFT similar to a stock [split Blueprint Owner 100% ownership] which should be fairly simple to implement. This will allow for ideas in the open space to have a fluid automated mechanic and present actual value of sharing ideas/collaborating over time.
- Users are able to set an inheritance wallet through their profile along with time before it should be set in effect. [account inactivity of 1 - 3 years]. By default the inheritance wallet is set to the Youblob Treasury wallet that are used towards UN SDG, Makerspaces and Maker projects mainly in the undeveloped world to help them build and become sustainable. Users will get notification before the inheritance rule is set in effect.
Makers currently earn their income from commercial on Youtube videos and referral links to Amazon. By creating new incentive models for the Makers we allow for open collaboration directly connected with the manufacturing industry. It also aligns with the undeveloped world, helping them start a business around ideas.
The project connects to 10 out of the 17 UN SDG’s
(img: information channel between Blueprints, Industry and Organizations)
Metadata JSON schema
Metadata example including the transaction metadata label
The format of the content
field is required to be an array of 64 bytes chunks, as this is the maximum size of a JSON field in the Cardano ledger.
Tools, such as wallets, are required to recompose the content of the message.
The current Cardano protocol parameter for maximum transaction size, that will hold the metadata, is around 16KB.
Backwards compatibility
No backwards compatibility breaking changes are introduced.
Reference implementation
We leave the decisions, such as what and how to display communication messages, up to downstream tools and wallets.
- For simple implementation reference, refer to CIP12 communication tool examples
This CIP is licensed under CC-BY-4.0