Buidler Fest from a non-technical perspective

The inagural Buidler Fest took place in the beautiful Touolouse, France this week (April 23rd and 24th) at the wonderful Hotel Mercure Toulouse Centre Compans.

It’s important to note that I am not a tech whiz and attended not with a technical background, but curiosity got the better of me and I wanted to learn something new. I also wanted to meet the people behind the code and expand my social circle.

The first day was dedicated to presentations. Here we got to hear from the likes of Patrick Serafin talking about framework for RWA’s, Alex Prestchanker talking about Marlowe and Demeter.Run. We also got to hear from Thomas Vellekoop and Vladimir Sinyakov explaining Zero knowledge proofs and many more.

Although some of the presentations required more technical experience (seriously, some of it was mind-blowing), I did come away with a newfound ability to explain concepts like Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) in a way everyone can understand. I also learned that the same logic behind RWA’s can be used for creating things like universal timezone for the moon and that Gummythingies are awesome.

So, what was my experience? Buidler Fest delivered on all expectations. I learned alot and I met amazing people. I really enjoyed the marketing-free atmosphere, focusing only on tech instead of price. Here’s the thing: even though I wasn’t exactly on the same technical level as everyone else, they treated me like a peer. They took the time to explain things in a way I could understand, and they actually listened when I had something to say.

I have to end this by quoting my travel buddy @bearicea , who came along with a similar non-technical background. She summed it up perfectly:
“I love each and every one of these nerds!”