Can’t create new Shelly wallet?

Hello :slight_smile:
I moved from Byron to Shelly and it’s asking me to create a new Shelly wallet all in red box…
But when I create a new wallet and write down the 24 Word phrase and press continue it is just stuck on this page and won’t proceed to creating wallet just an icon spinning where the continue button was?
Any ideas??

I have the same problem for a few days.
Using Windows 10 pro.

Same here mate must be an issue with Windows 10
I’ve tried over and over again and wait hours each time but now I’m sick of writing down new 24 word phrases I’ll try again in a few days and hope they’ve sorted the issue

I deleted old wallet,download new release 2.0.1 and now everything running smoothly . It takes some time to download data to new wallet form the blockchain ,but everything seems fine now

Yeah brother I got it going late last night all working perfect enjoy my friend millionaires soon