Core Budget
Here you can find all the details about the proposed Core budget for 2025
The budget process and supporting documentation represent a collaborative work-in-progress, compiled from inputs across Intersect committees and working groups. All figures, timelines, and proposals are strictly indicative and subject to community feedback, market conditions, and on-chain approvals. Nothing herein is finalized.
More details can be found here and the detailed spreadsheet can be found here for Technical Steering Committee and here for Open Source Committee
Committee members
This proposal was defined by the Technical Steering Committee and the Open Source Committee via community consultation
Technical Steering Committee
Chair (Interim): Kevin Hammond
Secretary: Duncan Soutar
Non- Voting Seat: Duncan Coutts
Voting Seat: Adam Dean
Voting Seat: Neil Davies
Voting Seat: Nicholas Clarke
Voting Seat: Markus Gufler
Voting Seat: Ben Hart
Voting Seat: Johnny Kelly
Open Source Committee
Chair: Pedro Lucas - 45B
Vice Chair: Adam Dean - DripDropz (DDZ)
Intersect Open Source Office(OSO) Representative: Christian Taylor, Head of Open Source Office
Secretary: Terence McCutcheon (Tex) - Intersect, Open Source Office
Committee Seat: Sandip Pandey - Dquadrant
Committee Seat: Sebastian Pabon - GimbaLabs
Committee Seat: Johnny Kelly - Intertree
Committee Seat: Robin Boening
Committee Seat: Nicolas Henin
Committee Seat: Georg Link - Bitergia
Committee Seat: Moritz Angermann - IOG
Proposal Summary
The proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal period will encompass all funding requests made by the Technical Steering Committee and the Open Source Committee. The primary mandate for the allocation of these requested funds is to ensure that they are dedicated specifically to the ongoing development and maintenance of the Cardano blockchain. This includes not only the enhancement of existing features but also the implementation of new advancements that will contribute to the overall stability, security, and efficiency of the Cardano network. By prioritizing these areas, the committees aim to foster innovation and support the continued growth of the Cardano ecosystem.
The proposed Core Budget is ₳ 125,304,400. This is to be managed by one Treasury withdrawal action using a smart contract to lock funds until the following dates:
June 2025: ₳ 70,000,000
July 2025: ₳ 13,000,000
August 2025: ₳ 13,000,000
September 2025: ₳ 29,304,400
Technical Steering Committee Proposal
The Technical Steering Committee (TSC) has put forward the following request and supporting breakdown for the 2025 budget process. To assist in visualizing the TSC proposal, the following breakdown has been put forward, which if necessary, is scalable in part to the approved finalized budget.
The budget breakdown shown below has been created following an analysis of the 2024 spend on core Cardano, engineered for expected changes and growth in 2025.
Note: the ADA values shown above represent a potential full year funding, this may be scaled in the final budget request
The TSC has requested an additional ₳9m as an emergency/contingency fund but notes this may be handled directly by the budget committee, and has not been included in the outline above
With the exception of the Research element under Roadmap, all funding is expected to come from the Core budget. The funding bucket is a consideration of the Budget Committee and not directly from the TSC.
Potential Roadmap Projects
The following project cards have been submitted by the community and technical working groups and have been triaged through the Core Infrastructure Roadmap working group.
This process reviews and validates the information provided before being included on the following list for community prioritization.
Final selection will be allocated from the categories above, such as ‘roadmap - core roadmap’ and ‘roadmap - research’.
Full project cards can be viewed here.
Note I: Project cards are regularly updated and subject to change.
Note II: Funding is dependent on prioritization, technical readiness and technical programming. No project should assume funding has been agreed at this stage.
A project card is designed to hold relevant and useful information for the community to be able to support prioritisation discussions and recommendations.
When a potential project is submitted for review and inclusion to the backlog, we will ask that this information is provided or an explanation as to why it cannot be.This will enable the community to make informed prioritization decisions.
Project cards outline the overall project goal and benefit, as well the likely deliverable(s) to be funded.
It is expected that throughout the duration of this budget that project prioritization may change and that new initiatives and projects may also need to be considered. To be able to factor this in some allocation has been made above to be prioritized at a later date, categories such as ‘Uncommitted - Uncommitted core development’.
Technical Steering
Once the goals and the projects have been prioritized then the Technical Steering Committee will recommend how best to implement them and oversee the technical delivery supported by Intersect delivery assurance teams.
The TSC is a rallying point for members, suppliers, and third parties to coordinate the delivery of development services to support the Cardano blockchain. As per the committee remit, the TSC will carry out the following:
Recommending the execution details of the backlog
Drafting of milestone deliverables, acceptance criteria, and quality assurance for the execution recommendation
Facilitating a tender/award evaluation process for major contracts with members
Further details on the Technical Steering Committee are available via the knowledge base.
Further Information
Full details on the processes and participation in the TSC budget can be found in the following Knowledge Base pages.
How to participate in shaping the Technical Roadmap: Knowledge base
Technical Roadmap explained: Knowledge base
Potential Roadmap Projects: Knowledge Base
2025 & 2026 Budgets: Many of the development projects within the TSC budget require an effort of greater than 6 months. Therefore in order to prevent the risk projects having to start and stop, causing increased costs and delays. The TSC is proposing, where required, to allocate 2026 budget to help improve the certainty required deliver on development projects.
Budget allocation for 2025: ₳ 64,128,400
Budget allocation for 2026: ₳ 35,291,000
Final 2025 Budget proposal: ₳ 99,419,400
Open Source Committee Proposal
The proposal has been put together through community input. (Full list of programs and activities included in this proposal can be found here: Open Source Committee)
Approval of these proposals will empower the Cardano community to continue its growth, ensure project sustainability, and maintain the high standards of open-source participation within the Cardano ecosystem.
Receiving funding in accordance with this proposal will enable a wide range of essential initiatives to promote and sustain open-source development within the Cardano ecosystem, as outlined in the Paid Open Source Model (POSM) Whitepaper.
The committee strongly believes that this proposal allows for an expansion of the open source efforts achieved in 2024.
OSC Proposed Initiatives
Maintainer Retainer Program: Provides consistent financial support to maintainers of up to 50 repositories, ensuring the stability and ongoing development of key projects, these will be nominated by the community and vetted through an incubation program and contribution ladder.
24/7 Incident Response Team: Funds a dedicated 24/7 team to manage security incidents and ensure rapid response capabilities. (Shared request with TSC)
Project Support Services: Enhances project compliance, design innovation, and community engagement across Cardano open-source initiatives. OSO & OSC would advise and source providers to assist with Marketing, Community Building, Legal, Open Source Strategy & Sustainability, Governance, Product Management, Design, and Training. See OSO Service Catalog
Summer of Code Equivalent: Supports educational stipends and full-time internships for 20 students (all backgrounds), fostering talent development and expanding the pool of skilled contributors. Google - Summer of Code Improves OSO DE&I
OSO Community Integration, Events, Tooling: Disbursement to OSO to plan, host, and attend hackathon-like events, Developer Advocate events, miscellaneous tooling, Partnerships and Level 1 & 2 Support Services costs.
Bug Bounty Program: A bug bounty reward program aimed at rewarding community found incidents for projects under the Intersect github, not specifically limited to “Core Cardano”.
Code for Us Model: Community-driven funding approach for specific development needs, aligning open-source projects with the priorities of Cardano’s user base.
OSC Members Attending Events: Allowance for OSC sitting Members to attend local/semi-local events.
The year budget ask from the committee
Budget details
Technical Steering Committee
Requested budget: ₳ 99,419,400
The detailed spreadsheet can be found here
Open Source Committee
Requested budget: ₳ 5,885,000
The detailed spreadsheet can be found here