Cardano-db-sync - almost tables are empty

I set up cardano_db_sync with docker-compose. So far everything works and I don’t get any errors displayed. The table block and epoch are gradually being filled, but I have the feeling that something is wrong.

All tables pool_hash, pool_owner, pool…, as well as reward, epoch_stake, epoch_param and ada_pots are not filled. I read in the documentation that you can turn this off with --disable-ledger.

But I didn’t turn that off consciously. I can’t find anything in the config files either. Can someone give me a tip on how to activate this?

I think the pool_* tables are populated by the smash_server. Am I right?

You need to run the cardano node with smash server and db-sync to get everything: cardano-db-sync/ at master · input-output-hk/cardano-db-sync · GitHub

Also note this could takes days or weeks to fully sync depending on your internet bandwidth and you will probably need 100GB free to grow the SQL database alongside the ledger which is why most opt to disable as much data as possible.

Thanks for your answer. Seems that the docker image (Docker Hub) is not maintained anymore. Therefore I will compile it on myself an try it out. I let you know how far I get.

@DinoDude thank you for your helpful advice. I followed the instruction you have mentioned and additionally started the smash server. Now the tables get filled. Btw. I started cardano_db_sync two days ago. Now, I am at epoch 246. So there are above100 left :slight_smile:

DB diskspace usage (with a rising trend):
du -s -h /workspace/postgresql/data/
11G /workspace/postgresql/data/

I think it will be around 20GB when the sync is done.

Plus ~70GB node data

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Yup, I was just guessing on the amount of data and time it will take but it’s A LOT so hopefully you got plenty of hard drive space and patience :smiley: