Cardano Education and Business Development in Ethiopia - Episode 24

Hi everyone,

This was an incredible podcast. A lot of great information can be found in this episode. John O’Connor wasn’t lying in episode 6 when he said 2019 is the year of Cardano in Africa.

Thanks to @rickymac and @SebastienGllmt for this marathon podcast. :slight_smile:



Here are some timestamps for a quick preview of what happened during this episode.

0:14 Prelude

John O’Connor
& Charles Hoskinson
(Part 1)

3:35 Intro
3:54 How was the IOHK Haskell course in Ethiopia? How was the graduation ceremony?
11:24 Will IOHK white label solutions for supply chain management, etc., or will all use cases be custom built per scenario?
20:49 Are future African developers who work for IOHK going to have to be experienced in many fields (e.g. programming, business development, partner acquisition, etc.)?
22:49 Will the Haskell class that just graduated be the future entrepreneurs and the ones writing code that will solve the problems that Cardano is pursuing?
29:13 Challenges in Africa
33:58 Why is IOHK building in Africa with limited Internet?
37:13 What is Cardano Enterprise? Does the current course focus on the Cardano Enterprise?

Lars Brünjes & Polina Vinogradova (Part 2)

40:56 Intro Lars Brünjes and Polina Vinogradova
42:09 What was the most challenging part of teaching the Haskell course?
44:55 What were some of the kinds of things you had the students build?
46:16 Was this course designed from scratch for Ethiopian students or was this a v3 iteration of the courses taught in Barbados and Athens? - canopus_n
47:36 What did Professor Philip Wadler say about the complexity of the course?
48:35 Students used video footage to learn
49:02 Haskell students writing blog posts
50:11 Was the Haskell a collaborative effort among the students?
51:44 Are the Ugandan and Ethiopian cultures similar?
53:01 The students also learned Plutus
54:22 Did you see any students have an AHA moment?
55:18 Were the students able to translate their code to real world applications or use cases?
56:01 Polina, did you transfer some of your knowledge of formal methods to the students?
57:18 Polina, what inspired you to learn Haskell?
58:02 Polina, how did you first hear of Cardano?
58:42 Lars, how did you get involved with Cardano?
01:00:36 Lars, where do you call home?
01:01:17 What’s next for both of you?
01:01:45 Will you teach another course in Africa?
01:02:20 Were the Uganda students commuting?
01:02:58 What was the craziest thing you went through during this course?
01:05:24 What do you think Cardano can accomplish in Africa?
01:07:10 Conclusion

Tamara Haasen & Charles Hoskinson (Part 3)

01:09:39 Welcome
01:11:33 What are you doing in Ethiopia? IOHK is hiring all of the graduates.
01:17:19 What was the screening process like for the students?
01:21:04 What’s next?
01:31:26 When will there be an course in French and will you target french speaking countries? - Nostr_ADA_mus_ and wnipos
01:34:59 Will IOHK hire all the developers from each of the courses they start in Africa?
01:43:24 Experience
01:48:28 - How do people apply to IOHK
01:48:57 - FOMO from other cryptocurrency companies
01:50:21 Conclusion

Kwame Rugunda and Florian Manderscheid
(Part 4)

01:52:15 Introduction
01:59:04 Stable coin from Crypto Savannah
01:59:56 What was the process of hiring the 4 Ugandan women for the Haskell course?
02:00:57 What are you using as guidelines for your incubator at iceaddis? Are you working with IOHK with this accelerator program?
02:04:09 What is the general consensus of blockchain and cryptocurrency in African countries?
02:12:27 Who else do you have to speak with to push blockchain forward in Africa & use cases?
02:15:11 How easy is it to communicate with policy makers to push cryptocurrency and blockchain forward?
02:22:14 What do you need the most?
02:25:05 Does the average person in Africa have a phone with internet connectivity?
02:29:07 Conclusion


Amazing! thanks to you and everyone on the team!


Bookmarked! :slight_smile:
I love hat Cardano is doing.

Does someone here have tips on how to get involved and help Cardano’s efforts in Africa? I’m currently living in Latvia (North Eastern Europe) and would totally be willing to move to Ethiopia or wherever else where I might be able to contribute.

A bit about my background:
I have 4 years of experience in digital advertising - have been working in the largest Latvian-made digital advertising agency.
Since 2012 I spend part of my time working at a non-profit promoting science and critical thinking.

Would love to get involved with Cardano and if you have some ideas on how to do that, let’s have a video call. :slight_smile:

Great to see such enthusiasm! I think you should contact John O’Connor.

I hope people are really paying close attention. The gentleman representing Ugandas crypto company. This man said they are building their own blockchain themselves. They are working with educating a work force. I have worked with organizations that participated in African countries. Their Idea of partnership is very different from a western mindset.

They will be very happy to let western countries educate their people and pay for the privilege as has IOHK. The African company fully plans to take full advantage of the graduating students. Here is reality. The students will be loyal to the African company not IOHK. They will appreciate that the African company brought IOHK into their lives. That is where their loyalty will reside. Again as the African company that opened up the opportunity builds IT’S blockchain it will take the projects onto it’s blockchain. This may be VERY EXCITING for a man of great wealth who’s mission is to change the world, but for that mans blockchain, Cardano, it will mean nothing of substance. The projects built by the trained students will not built on Cardano. It will build value on the African or Ugandon block chain. If someone has direct knowledge please re-educate me, especially if you have personal experience in Africa. Do not bother with opinions.

If some one know’s differently please, educate me and the 20 different people I know who have worked in these countries. In my view I see Charles doing great work in education and marketing of blockchain technology. I point out that a discussion about Cardano is absent from these presentations. We need to hear about Cardano being introduced in these economies, not blockchain technologies. CARDANO CARDANO CARDANO. I didn’t invest in an African school or the Ugandan blockchain. Did you?

Hey if your into Cardano to support charitable activities I wish to praise you greatly. It’s good and awesome on a different level of interest. I’m not. I’m a profiteer looking for a return on my purchases of ADA. IF Charles doesn’t talk about the USE of Cardano and ADA I see no value herein. Because of the delays in re-writing Haskell causing a 1 year delay in the least and the fact that the foundation was left to fail in it’s mission for 2 years putting the company in a severe disadvantage loosing many opportunities we need to see CARDANO BLOCKCHAIN & ADA marketed, not blockchain in general.

They talk about the schools and Haskell training. They talk about building awareness of blockchain Why aren’t we hearing about building of Cardano Blockchain opportunities. Did we invest to fund a multi-millionaires dream of changing the world through blockchain? Or did we fund the development of Cardano ADA and it’s opportunities.

I’m not hearing that CARDANO ADA is primary. Are you? >>>We need to ask, are we being entertained with stories of building of Ugandan block chain or Cardano. I’m not hearing about Cardano. Listen very closely. Are you hearing about developing blockchain technology or Cardano blockchain technology?

I will recognize that they kindly mentioned slightly that they are talking about working with Cardano but not using Cardano ADA.

I’d like to hear other take on my observation’s. Here is my concern; Institutional Investment has not come into the market. There is a reason and that reason may be that dreamers like Charles are not building value into their own blockchains but are building interest in general in blockchain. The XRP people at Ripple tried to build value into their investment in their own tokens and it appears there are many cases indicating their crypto is loosing ground to XLM. XLM s Jed McCaleb like Charles is a dreamer even publishing that his token is a novelty and not an investment. At least he was honest of at least open.

I do not mean to be offensive. I have boatloads of Cardano. My hope are far less high after seeing this presentation and listening closely. I don’t drink cool aide and I’m not a cheerleader. I’m an investor and as such after over 40 years of investing I honestly telling you I am not hearing what I need to hear in specifics about the progress of CARDANO ADA and IT’S uses. That is the only thing that will give me confidence in Cardano after their two major failures with the Haskell engineers that left the company before completing the Haskell Re-write and manuals and the Foundations failure to market the project and it’s anticipated capabilities.

I need to hear specifically about CARDANO ADA Projects and ADA uses not Ugandan blockchain’s and their development.

I’ll be looking for comments.

I see what you mean. Have you looked into Emurgo?
Their mission states: “EMURGO drives the adoption of Cardano and adds value to ADA holders by building, investing in, and advising projects or organizations that adopt Cardano’s decentralized blockchain ecosystem.”
I think the answer to your concerns should be found in the activities of Emurgo. Though I can’t point you to anything specific.

Saw the whole episode and also episode 6 with John O’Connor. This is some amazing work you are doing. I put this episode to play on my phone when going to bed yesterday, thinking I will fall asleep soon, but that turned out to be a big mistake. Listening to you guys describe the work you are doing just got me more and more excited and less and less sleepy. :slight_smile:

Those 190 Cardano meetups that are planned in 25 African countries in 2019 sound like a lot of work.
Do you need help from someone who has been working in a science promotion non profit during his free time since 2012? :slight_smile: I’m totally ready to move to Ethiopia and work together with John.

A bit about my background:
The idea of connecting a country to the global economy is something I can strongly relate to. I’m living in Latvia and when I was born, it was still a Soviet state (I was born in 1989 and the Soviet union collapsed in 1991). When the Soviet occupation ended, Latvia had help come in from the West to educate us on how to live in a free market democracy and thanks to this aid, my parents were able to learn English and work abroad for a bit - that’s a big deal in the 90’s and a lot of good cascaded from that into my life but describing all that would turn this comment into a blog post. :slight_smile:

Anyhow, if anyone has tips on how best to reach John or Tamara (beyond just pointing out their LinkedIn or twitter contacts), I’d be grateful for some tips.

The link I already gave you, to John’s page on the IOHK site, has his email address. I expect Tamara’s page is the same.

I think you were already told this is fiction. To repeat it begins to look like deliberate FUDding.

Charles addressed some of the concerns you raised last night at the NYC meetup. I’m sure video of that will be out soon. So keep your eyes peeled for it. IOHK will be hiring some of those young ladies directly. Also whatever enterprise level blockchains get built they will probably want or need to talk to the outside world on some level at some point. What chain do you think they will use to do that especially if the people who create it used Haskell? I think Charles’ strategy and open source mentally will pay dividends morally and financially. With that said crypto is a very risky asset class.