I hope people are really paying close attention. The gentleman representing Ugandas crypto company. This man said they are building their own blockchain themselves. They are working with educating a work force. I have worked with organizations that participated in African countries. Their Idea of partnership is very different from a western mindset.
They will be very happy to let western countries educate their people and pay for the privilege as has IOHK. The African company fully plans to take full advantage of the graduating students. Here is reality. The students will be loyal to the African company not IOHK. They will appreciate that the African company brought IOHK into their lives. That is where their loyalty will reside. Again as the African company that opened up the opportunity builds IT’S blockchain it will take the projects onto it’s blockchain. This may be VERY EXCITING for a man of great wealth who’s mission is to change the world, but for that mans blockchain, Cardano, it will mean nothing of substance. The projects built by the trained students will not built on Cardano. It will build value on the African or Ugandon block chain. If someone has direct knowledge please re-educate me, especially if you have personal experience in Africa. Do not bother with opinions.
If some one know’s differently please, educate me and the 20 different people I know who have worked in these countries. In my view I see Charles doing great work in education and marketing of blockchain technology. I point out that a discussion about Cardano is absent from these presentations. We need to hear about Cardano being introduced in these economies, not blockchain technologies. CARDANO CARDANO CARDANO. I didn’t invest in an African school or the Ugandan blockchain. Did you?
Hey if your into Cardano to support charitable activities I wish to praise you greatly. It’s good and awesome on a different level of interest. I’m not. I’m a profiteer looking for a return on my purchases of ADA. IF Charles doesn’t talk about the USE of Cardano and ADA I see no value herein. Because of the delays in re-writing Haskell causing a 1 year delay in the least and the fact that the foundation was left to fail in it’s mission for 2 years putting the company in a severe disadvantage loosing many opportunities we need to see CARDANO BLOCKCHAIN & ADA marketed, not blockchain in general.
They talk about the schools and Haskell training. They talk about building awareness of blockchain Why aren’t we hearing about building of Cardano Blockchain opportunities. Did we invest to fund a multi-millionaires dream of changing the world through blockchain? Or did we fund the development of Cardano ADA and it’s opportunities.
I’m not hearing that CARDANO ADA is primary. Are you? >>>We need to ask, are we being entertained with stories of building of Ugandan block chain or Cardano. I’m not hearing about Cardano. Listen very closely. Are you hearing about developing blockchain technology or Cardano blockchain technology?
I will recognize that they kindly mentioned slightly that they are talking about working with Cardano but not using Cardano ADA.
I’d like to hear other take on my observation’s. Here is my concern; Institutional Investment has not come into the market. There is a reason and that reason may be that dreamers like Charles are not building value into their own blockchains but are building interest in general in blockchain. The XRP people at Ripple tried to build value into their investment in their own tokens and it appears there are many cases indicating their crypto is loosing ground to XLM. XLM s Jed McCaleb like Charles is a dreamer even publishing that his token is a novelty and not an investment. At least he was honest of at least open.
I do not mean to be offensive. I have boatloads of Cardano. My hope are far less high after seeing this presentation and listening closely. I don’t drink cool aide and I’m not a cheerleader. I’m an investor and as such after over 40 years of investing I honestly telling you I am not hearing what I need to hear in specifics about the progress of CARDANO ADA and IT’S uses. That is the only thing that will give me confidence in Cardano after their two major failures with the Haskell engineers that left the company before completing the Haskell Re-write and manuals and the Foundations failure to market the project and it’s anticipated capabilities.
I need to hear specifically about CARDANO ADA Projects and ADA uses not Ugandan blockchain’s and their development.
I’ll be looking for comments.