Cardano Governance Events

Hey there and happy day everyone :slight_smile:
As everyone knows, there’s a unholy load of things happening at Cardano Governance… as it actually should be. The Voltaire Era is in full swing and as we progress in Governance it becomes quite hard for people to stay tuned on all things. As usual, information is scattered across a bunch of different channels, groups, hubs and whatnot.

Therefore, it would be awesome to have someone who is deep in Governance stepping up to provide an open space on all things Cardano Governance. Some sort of recurring online call would be awesome… It may be that Nicolas Cerny (Governance Lead at Cardano Foundation) is currently proposing something in that direction on X. Definitely worth it to give it a vote and to support Nico in that Initiative…


Next week, the time has come for the first Cardano Governance Office Hour.

I would be thrilled if you could make it :raised_hands:

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Will be there… Marked in large letter’s on my calendar ^^