Any Cardano meetups planned in Delhi, India?
Any Cardano meetups planned in Delhi, India?
Hello @sushil07
We would love to help promote a Delhi meetup! Have you seen this thread about getting started? It’s a top read and should help
Would you be interested in getting one started?
Look forward to hearing from you,
Can’t see any more threads. If something comes up pls update here…!
How about Cardano India online community?
We can organize an online meetup since India has many cities with many engineers and It is hard to targate only one city. Many Indians living abroad and supporting Cardano community like me and we can start online Cardano community for India. Let me know your thoughts and please comment you are interested.
strobelam https://forum.cardano.org/
Hey @purushu - Hope you are doing great!
Did you folks lead and start building an online community in India?
It’s a good idea for sure, and would love to support and help you scale the community in Asia, and specifically India.
Do hit back and respond to this thread if you are still interested in leading this community from India!