Trying to build from the latest tag and it built successfully but I keep getting this error when running. Anyone know what this error is and how to resolve? I find it weird that when using that tag the version still prints as 1.14.0.
There was an error parsing the genesis file: /home/cardano/node/config/ff-ge│
nesis.json Error: “Error in $.genDelegs[‘68c3462163394860dbea2153d9969c7493c│
3aedcafa951cce80d54f009179c6e’]: Hash is the wrong length”
You need to use release/1.14.x branch for compatible binaries and network. Please check out the pinned message on workgroup for some common gotchas people are falling into.
I did not paste it here as things change at rapid pace, and there might be differences from date of post to next
i just followed the same nix instructions and have the same problem.
i dont understand the answer below.
Did you have to recompile the node? or just change some files?
I like how they say that the nix methos"…is the package manager of choice for IOHK’s internal development teams, and thus the recommended method for building a Cardano node to run on your machine."
and then it installs the ff version ? why?