Hi everyone! i’m trying to start the cardano node as per the guide but i have the following error :
Wrong Shelley genesis file: the actual hash is “eb84b1bd2f707b2edce93d85b04d3c77dec5d507d13eb6cbb1f09e6ddd5a2109”, but the expected Shelley genesis hash given in the node configuration file is “1a3be338bcbb7911969283716ad7aa550250226b76a61fc51cc9a9a35d9276d81”
It seems strange because I followed the guide step by step!
my files are organized as follows :
With this json files…
thanks in advance for anyone who will help me!
What version are u using?
I am also encountering this error on the Testnet. I was using the testnet versions of the json files listed in the original post. Version: cardano-node 1.28.0 - linux-x86_64 - ghc-8.10
git rev 48429531f0d3d71fadce9a5971bf56a6df396f2d
Sorry for being so green behind the ears. To do that I should :cd cardano-node
cabal clean
cabal update
git fetch --all --tags
git checkout tags/1.27.0
cabal build all
I know this sounds crazy - but i did exactly what i wrote before hand, and it complied, then a checked the version and its still 1.28.0. Any advice?
Can u share the files downloaded?
Do u have also the alonzo files?
Can u try to donwload from here ? For testnet
and restart the node
Hi @Alexd1985 I am on 1.27.0 and downloaded the files from your link. Still getting error when running the node for the first time on the testnet.
Any ideas ? Thank you.
Wrong Shelley genesis file: the actual hash is “e209c5d22fe51d58485759cc9edca776cb505c1afb2ba5f98f8a6a979a7589e4”, but the expected Shelley genesis hash given in the node configuration file is “849a1764f152e1b09c89c0dfdbcbdd38d711d1fec2db5dfa0f87cf2737a0eaf4”
download the files from shelley not for alonzo
yeah, should be, and also the byron genesis file
Ok. SInce these are the files I just manually update the config fie with the right hash. It seems to work now. Thanks @Alexd1985 !
Hi alex ! Thank u for you fast reply.
My version : cardano-node 1.27.0 - darwin-x86_64 - ghc-8.10