๐Ÿš€ Cardano-Node Topology generator

Hi there,

thank for this! A couple of questions:

  1. is there something similar for testnet?

  2. once my mainnet setup is up and running, if I understand correctly my relays will be included in the results, right? That means that the security groups they are behind (AWS) or firewall they are behind (UFW, ubuntu) need to be configured to allow connections on port xxxx from everyone, right? Otherwise people wonโ€™t be able to connect to them adding them to their topologies. But isnโ€™t that unsafe? Is there a way to only accept connections from peers which are in adapools, without manually adding every single IP to the security groups or ufw?

Sorry, the second one was a long one :slight_smile:



Hi the list seems to be offline, any alternatives?