Cardano on Robinhood?

Is Cardano foundation working on listing ADA live market on Robinhood? Whats the criteria to be listed on Robinhood to be traded?

When can be expect ADA to be listed on other exchange platforms?

As you probably know, it’s on Bittrex and Binance right now. I believe exchanges need custom wallets, with each exchange being somewhat unique. Getting BTC forks and ETH tokens listed is easy, as their wallets are all the same, however ADA is different. I heard the Cardano people are looking to get exchange wallets totally sorted on the two existing ones, then roll out to more - so you see it is not just an exchange’s willingness, but also Cardano’s readiness.

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Isn’t Robinhood a CFD trading platform rather than an exchange? In any case, I’d think it’s primarily their decision which they’ll make on a crypto-by-crypto basis according to projected profit potential.

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Ya the guy’s that own Robinhood will make all the decisions of listing crypto or which one they follow, it is not an exchange.

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More info on Robinhood’s crypto service here:

TL;DR: neither an exchange nor a CFD platform but a broker for other exchanges, deposits and withdrawals of crypto not possible, probable hidden charges.

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