Quick recap of this episode. We chatted about governance, trading and world market prices, stablecoins, liquidity pools, adahandle personalization, upcoming events like RareEvo and so much more!
We hosted a stake-pool operator series that included; @Joker Pool - who talks about his stakepool, its background, setup and vision for the future. He features innovative tokenomics, including lottery taxes, liquidity pools, and marketing strategies. The project is community-driven, focusing on creating utility and sustainability for its users and investors.
@SaltPool (@saltstaking) - stake pool on cardano with the ticker “SALT.” The pool allows users to stake their Cardano (ADA) and earn rewards, including the $HOSKY token. He talks about how he got into Cardano, his journey so far, delegation, the banking aspect and staking in general.
Catch the full episode here; https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1OdKrjvpddOKX/peek