Catalyst Beginner Workshop Episode 4

Report on Catalyst Ghana Beginner Workshop 2023: Episode 4

The “Catalyst Beginner Workshop 2023 Episode 4 Meetup” held on the 19th of November, 2023 was a success.

The session aimed to provide insights into the funding stages, individual roles, active participation, and acquaint participants with the IdeaScale platform.

Topics discussed were as follows;

Project Catalyst Overview

Funding Stages

Roles and Active Participation

Introduction to Catalyst Innovation platform (IdeaScale)

These participants were completely new to catalyst activities and therefore were happy to learn something new and impactful.

The “Catalyst Beginner Workshop Episode 4” was a success, enlightening the participants on Project Catalyst, its funding stages, the significance of active participation, and familiarizing them with the IdeaScale platform.

Link to video here (Excerpts):

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