Catalyst Weekly #105 - Fund13, Japan, RareEvo & more

Hey there, beautiful soul!

It’s that exciting time of year when Catalyst transitions from Fund12 to Fund13. This week, the Catalyst team kicked off their regular town halls. Haven’t joined yet? Mark your calendar now and never miss out:

Missed the latest updates? No worries. Check out the next section for highlights from this week’s Fund13 announcements. We’ve listened to your feedback and are now releasing timelines and information ahead of the official launch. This week, we’ve unveiled categories, budgets, and timelines for the rest of the year. Details further below.

And guess what? Catalyst is on tour in Japan! Follow Kriss’ journey here. There’s also an interview with Mike McNulty, Catalyst Product Manager. All of this further below.

Let’s dive in!

Danny (let’s chat)

Town Hall #174

:bulb: Next TH? Every week. Register now via this link.

Catalyst in Japan

Catalyst is on tour in Japan. Did you know that Japanese members of the community have been in the corridors of Catalyst ever since Fund2? Check out the recent message from Kriss, Catalyst’s General Manager, directly aired earlier this week during town hall. Want to dive into the Japanese spotlight report? Find it here:
Image credit: AKYO Pool

Fund13 is coming back!

The Catalyst team presented Fund13 preview during the most recent town hall. You can catch the timestamped town hall segment here.

Key highlights - Fund13 categories are now set including their respective budgets and per proposal caps. You can see this overview below as well.

Mark your F13 calendars

Time to save the important dates. You now can find all key timelines that will drive Project Catalyst for the rest of the year. And in case you ever need a refresher, you’ll be able to find these on the official Catalyst Gitbook Documentation here.

It’s important to keep in mind that given the dynamic nature of the program,- timelines may change. So make sure to follow Project Catalyst on our social channels and keep an eye out for any official announcements if schedule changes happen.

RareEvo reflections

The Catalyst team was recently in Las Vegas for an amazing RareEvo blockchain event. Mike, Catalyst’s Product Manager, had the privilege of sharing a few moments with DerekOnChain to speak about Project Catalyst. Check out the X video here or hop directly on YouTube here.

Fund12 Onboarding Progress

Curious to see how Fund12 projects are doing with regard to their onboarding? Check out this public readiness tracker and follow along all 258 projects. If you are a funded project yourself - your task is simple → ensure you receive all green checkmarks to enable you to proceed towards first funding. If your project still doesn’t have green checkmarks, there may be actions for you. Especially for due diligence - make sure to visit your verification portal to check for any resubmission requests. If you have any doubt, please reach out to the Catalyst team directly via to help troubleshoot and support.

Catalyst roadmap & deliverables

Looking for the latest updates regarding Catalyst’s development roadmap? Follow along with milestone developments via Catalyst Gitbook to stay up to speed!

Get in touch

And that’s a wrap. Don’t forget to follow Catalyst on X (twitter) to keep an eye on all the latest.

Catalyst Team

*Kindly note: *
References in this newsletter to the 3rd party projects, products, and services are provided for information purposes only and are not endorsements. Everyone should carry out their own investigations before relying on the information provided in this newsletter.

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