Catalyst Weekly #98 - 5K+ wallets, 150K+ votes - cast yours until Feb 8, 11AM UTC

Hello there, beautiful soul!

Hope this message finds you well.

Catalyst and Cardano at large have made it to the second half of the Fund11 voting period. It’s amazing to witness the festive celebrations of the innovation by meeting in a public square and casting votes. All of this effort helps to prioritize which projects will get an opportunity to receive funding and proceed with their proposal objectives.

To date, more than 5,000 unique wallets have collectively cast more than 150,000 votes. With now six days remaining - it’s about the best time to start casting yours.

Remember - you have 6 days to cast your votes. Voting closes on February 8, 11 a.m. UTC.

Let’s dive further into what else has been going on.


Town Hall #154

:bulb: Next: TH #154 on Feb. 7th at 5 p.m. UTC. Register now via this recurring link.

First 8 days of voting

And just like that voting has crossed over into the second half. The first eight days account for about 160,000 votes from more than 5,000 unique wallets. About a third of the total registered voting power has already cast at least one vote. Note: Wallet can cast more than 1 vote. Max of 920 per wallet (there are 920 proposals on the F11 ballot).

6 days left to cast a vote!

Screenshot 2024-01-19 at 10.51.07

Voter registration is now over and the snapshot took place on Jan. 15th at 21:45 p.m. UTC.

Voting officially opened on January 25th and will remain open until February 8th, 11 a.m. UTC. We’re looking forward to your active participation in the Fund11 vote. You can also refer to the Catalyst Knowledge Base GitBook pages here to learn more about voting.

How to audit the vote?

Fund11 Official Snapshot (approximate)

  • Eligible Registrations: 56,341 wallets
  • Eligible Registered Stake: 4.54B ada

Want to audit the numbers yourself? Check out the guide in the knowledge base here. It’s as easy as…

  1. Install DbSync and Catalyst Snapshot Tools
  2. Produce raw snapshot given target slot number
  3. Process raw snapshot according to the official Fund Parameters

Want to get involved in the next step and take a stab at calculating the vote and eventually the tally as well? Follow the rest of the instructions as they get updated here. This information is generally used to independently verify outcomes by fellow community toolings such as LidoNation, SCATDAO, Xerberus, and many others.

Lucky triple 7

Project Catalyst and its participants are continuously working to deliver on objectives as set forth by the proposals. To date, more than 770 proposals have already been concluded with submitted close-out assets. If you would like to find out how your favourite project is doing - make sure to visit Funds Overview website, or leverage additional community-run platforms such as Lido Nation for even deeper insights. You can retweet this graphic here as well.

Last Call: Deadline to apply for Catalyst Working Groups - Feb 4


Catalyst Working Groups are the Catalyst Team’s proposal to the Cardano community in collaboration with community partners to create the first iteration of community-led, data-driven analysis that informs of potentially important changes to the scope of future Catalyst funding rounds. To bring this together, it’s equally important that the Catalyst Team collaborates with the worldwide community, which should host their discussions and events.

The deadline to apply to host a Catalyst Working Group is February 4th. You can do so by filling in this form here.

If you are interested in hosting a Catalyst Working Group, continue reading the full blog post here for further info about the project.

If you’d like to learn more about the concept - please review this after Town Hall recording. Or you can catch a recorded of a twitter (X) space right here.

Governance matters

GG logo

The Governance Guild (GG) has prepared the following message for you.

GG invites you to the Fund11 Governance Proposals event this Saturday, February 3rd. This new approach to an IdeaFest focuses on proposals about governance.

The aim is to get an overview of the governance issues being addressed in Fund 11 proposals. Which issues are people proposing about, which are missing, and what’s the overall ‘feel’ of governance proposals?

Proposers are invited to speak for 1 minute - no more! - about their proposal, highlighting the governance issues they’re addressing and why. (This might sound short, but you can pack a lot into a minute!)

Then there’ll be broader discussion about the state of governance-related proposals in F11. Everyone (proposer or not) is welcome to join in.

  • When: Sat. Feb. 3rd 19:00 UTC
  • Where: link here
  • How long: 2 hours

Here are the governance related proposals spotted. Feel free to add!

Fund11 timeline

Note: Given the dynamic nature of Project Catalyst, the following dates may change as the fund progresses. If this is the case, we will notify the community via our announcement channels on Discord and Telegram.

Jan. 25th, 2024 noon UTC

Fund11 voting begins, ending on Feb 8th, 11:00 UTC

Around Feb. 15th, 2024

Fund11 selected proposals announced

March 2024

Onboarding of Fund11 funded proposals

Open source GitHub repo round-up

I encourage you to follow along with milestone developments via the following links to get the latest on Catalyst Roadmap Proposals:

For full access to GitHub branches please review:

Get in touch

And that’s a wrap. Let’s talk Catalyst & governance via X(Twitter), Telegram, Reddit, or wherever your home is online and keep conversations engaging on these very important topics.

Enjoy your day ahead!

Danny & the Project Catalyst team

Daniel Ribar
Community at Project Catalyst

Note: References in this newsletter to the 3rd party projects, products, and services are provided for information purposes only and are not endorsements. Everyone should carry out their own investigations before relying on the information provided in this newsletter.