CF Should not be permitted to delegate “their” Ada and here is why:
- CF is a not for profit organisation tasked with representing the Cardano community.
- Ada held by CF is not owned by its employees, it is community Ada.
- CF employees are making the delegation decisions. These are human decisions and there will always be opaqueness surrounding any backroom deals and friendships creating undue influence. This type of human influence is exactly what Cardano is trying to design out of the financial operating system of the future.
- Rewards are a finite pot. Rewards taken by CF are thus not available for the remainder of the community. IE: If CF stopped taking rewards then this would allow more to be paid out to the community of real user Ada owners.
- Parameters can be changed so that the reward depletion rate remains constant even as removing CF delegation results in a lower overall delegation rate. Sure this would make Cardano’s “delegated Ada percentage” reduce, but this is simply a vanity metric. If you really want to assess this type of vanity metric then it would be better to look at the “percentage of real user Ada delegated”. Including Ada held by CF, that was gifted to CF by the community, is artificially inflating the vanity metric.
- There would be less potential for manipulation of the consensus mechanism, and less ability for human influence over viability of individual stake pools, if CF did not stake their Ada. Note that how many blocks a stake pool produces depends on their stake and if CF is influencing this with their enormous Ada wallets then they are directly influencing the block production, and the consensus mechanism.
- The ongoing funding needs of CF would be better managed by a small percentage of all transaction fees being paid to CF reserves.
Allowing CF to delegate their Ada is only providing an avenue for manipulation which is something Cardano is trying to design out. Real human user stakers can earn higher rewards directly if CF didn’t delegate. Real human user stakers can make their own decisions about which pools to delegate to based on their own personal values. These values could be quite different to those held by any particular individual employee of CF.
Moreover the influence of each individual Ada owner over the staking and consensus mechanisms should be proportional to the amount of Ada that individual user owns. CF is perverting this Cardano fundamental design objective by delegating the CF held, but community owned, Ada.